
  • 网络the circus;Round Square
  1. 请你告诉我怎么去皮卡笛里圆形广场好吗?

    Would you mind telling me the way to Piccadilly Circus ?

  2. 然后呢?穿过公园,绕过这个圆形广场。

    Then what ? Go through the park and around the circle .

  3. 很多人都认为我应该到八达岭,一段圆形广场式的重建过的长城。

    Most people agreed I ought to go to Badaling , which is a circus-style stretch of mostly reconstructed Great Wall .

  4. 半个小时以后,我远远地看到了玛格丽特的车子从圆形广场向协和广场驶来。

    A half an hour later , in the distance , coming from the Rond-Point down to the Place de la Concorde , I saw Marguerite 's carriage approaching .

  5. 丛类型主要有圆形广场内的一部分外节周围,和一个圆形孔,虽然形状玉手镯也显示了一些特征丛的。

    The main types of cong have a square outer section around a circular inner part , and a circular hole , though jades of a bracelet shape also display some of the characteristics of cong.

  6. 它是一个圆形的广场,广场内部四周都是成排的座位。

    It was a kind of round stadium with rows of seats all around the inside of it .