
  • 网络conical pendulum
  1. 转动参照系中的圆锥摆

    Conical Pendulum in Rotation Reference System

  2. 上述装置也称为圆锥摆。

    The present device is also called a conical pendulum .

  3. 从圆锥摆导出刚体定轴转动的动量矩和动量矩定理

    The Moment of Momentum and the Theorem of Moment of Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating about a Fixed Axis Derived from the Circular Conical Pendulum

  4. 通过对圆锥摆运动的详尽分析,给出了圆锥摆运动的完整解.指出圆锥摆运动存在稳定状态和不稳定状态两种情况,并对圆锥摆的稳定性进行了分析。

    Through analyzing the taper swinging , it points out that the taper swinging exists the states of stabilization and instability , the stabilization of the taper swinging is examined .

  5. 讨论了在转动参照系中考虑科里奥利力的作用后,圆锥摆运动的轨迹、半径、速度和周期,并与惯性系中的圆锥摆进行了比较。

    Considering the function of Coriolis ' force in rotation reference system , the article discusses the trajectory , radius , speed and period of conical pendulum and compares it with the conical pendulum in inertia reference system .

  6. 直齿圆锥齿轮摆辗成形有限元模拟研究

    Finite Element Analysis of Rotary Forging in Straight Tooth Bevel Gear

  7. 基于包络原理的圆锥滚子摆杆从动件圆柱凸轮的解析设计

    The analytic design of the spatial barrel-cam with oscillation and conical roller follower based on the envelop theory

  8. 工艺参数对直齿圆锥齿轮摆辗凹模应力及凹模失效形式影响

    Influence of Processing Parameter on Stress and Failure Form of Rotary Roll Cavity Die for Straight Tooth Bevel Gear

  9. 圆锥滚子端面侧摆智能检测系统

    Intelligent Measuring System for End Face Run-out of Tapered Roller Bearing

  10. 基于数据融合的圆锥滚子端面侧摆自动检测

    Auto-measuring for Roller Large End Face Run-out of Tapered Roller Based on Data Fusion

  11. 实际使用结果表明,该系统符合圆锥滚子轴承检测规程,可以实现圆锥滚子端面侧摆自动检测和自动分拣。

    The application shows that this system accords with the rule of measuring for tapered roller bearing , and can realize auto-measuring for end face run-out and auto-picking .