
  • 网络Biblical figures;Biblical people
  1. 论福克纳小说中的圣经人物原型

    On the Biblical Archetypes of Characters in Faulkner 's Novels

  2. 你可以看看圣经人物的例子,例如大卫、摩西、路得、或以斯帖。

    Think about biblical characters like David or Moses or Ruth or Esther .

  3. 而在《喧哗与骚动》中则主要体现为圣经人物与小说中人物的对应。

    , the other is between the Biblical figures and the characters in The Sound and the Fury .

  4. 他在国外旅行并试图放弃美国国籍,还在不同时期认为自己是日本幕府将军、圣经人物、巴勒斯坦难民以及其他身份。

    He traveled abroad and attempted to give up his U.S. citizenship , and at various times considered himself a Japanese shogun , the biblical figure Job and a Palestinian refugee , among other identities .

  5. 并且这篇论文的作者把《瓦尔登湖》中的文化意象分为六种:动物、植物、颜色、自然现象、希腊罗马神话和圣经人物故事以及其它意象。

    And in this thesis , the author divides the cultural images in Walden into six categories . They are animal , plant , color , natural phenomenon , Greco-Roman mythology and biblical stories and others .

  6. 他们根据圣经的人物为自己的儿子起名为艾萨克。

    They named their son Isaac after the biblical character .

  7. 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的《圣经》人物原型解析

    Deconstruction of the Biblical Archetypes in Uncle Tom 's Cabin

  8. 西斯廷教堂天花板上不同的面板向人们展示了来自圣经的人物和事件。

    The different panels on the Sistine Chapel ceiling show people and events from the Bible .

  9. 从福克纳圣经原型人物的塑造审视美国南方失落的世界

    An Examination on the Lost Southern World Reflected in Faulkner 's Creation of the Biblical Archetypal Figures

  10. 《圣经》人物在英语中典故与换称并用之语源分析

    Language Origin Analysis of the Simultaneous Use of the 《 Bible 》 Characters in Allusion and Antonomasia

  11. 描绘《圣经》人物和故事的绘画出现在教堂和其他宗教建筑中。

    Churches and other religious buildings were filled with paintings that showed people and stories from the Bible .

  12. 第二章对小说中的主要圣经原型人物进行分析和探究,例如主人公塞丝和替罪羊原型;宠儿、爱弥和救世主基督耶稣原型等。

    Chapter Two attempts to probe into the main biblical archetypal characters embedded in the novel . Sethe is associated with the Scapegoat archetype ; Beloved and Amy correspond with the archetypal character Jesus Christ , the Savior .

  13. 我们也是圣经预言的人物!

    We are a people of prophecy !

  14. 基督教是英语国家的主要宗教,许多习语来自于《圣经》的人物和故事。

    One can naturally find a good many idioms which are originated from the characters or events in the Bible as Christianity is the dominant religion in English-speaking countries .

  15. 为了画好取自《圣经》的人物,老人、乞丐,或是牧羊人,达·芬奇总跑到那些公共广场和酒吧去。他在那里大概可以遇见这类人物。

    To paint a character from the Bible , for an old man , a beggar , or a shepherd , he would go to the public square and the drinking dens , where he would be mostlikely to meet such persons .

  16. 圣经从这些小人物战胜大人物的故事里得到了很多荣誉。

    The Bible gets a lot of its reputation from the stories of little people who won against big odds .

  17. 从原型人物这一角度来讲,霍顿可以与圣经中的一些人物相对应,如亚当和耶稣·基督。

    In terms of archetypal characters , Holden corresponds with some personages in the Bible , like Adam and Jesus Christ .

  18. 本文试图以弗莱的原型批评理论为依据,以圣经典故、圣经人物和福克纳小说的联系为基点,从一个新的角度对福克纳的作品进行了解读,并深入挖掘其对人性的探索。

    This thesis based on Northrop Frye 's archetype theory of criticism and the link between Faulkner 's fiction and Biblical culture .

  19. 《圣经》中的人物在我心中是最接近完人的范例,他们无私,信仰坚定,帮助他人,不遗余力。

    The Biblical characters are for me the closest examples of human perfection . They were unselfish , steadfast in their faith and unstinting in their help to others .

  20. 经他创作加工过的《圣经》故事和人物都被赋予了新的意义,用来为他所终身为之奋斗的革命事业服务。

    The biblical stories and characters that had been recreated by him have been endowed with fresh significance and used for the revolutionary cause that he had struggled all his life .

  21. 岛上的人们还有个习惯,那就是用《圣经》中的人物为自己起名字。他们的称呼中,有“你”与“您”的区别,显得有礼有节;

    So that there are instances among them of men , who , named with Scripture names , a singularly common fashion on the island , and in childhood naturally imbibing the stately dramatic thee and thou of the Quaker idiom ;

  22. 福克纳在作品中广泛运用了《圣经》中的人物原型、人物关系模式、情节模式、意象等等,来为他的故事寻找《圣经》对应。

    Faulkner uses character prototypes , character relationship modes , plotting modes , imagoes and so on in the " the Holy Bible " extensively in his works , to look for parallelisms between " the Holy Bible " and his stories .

  23. 第三章发现问题,作品中处处是《圣经》原型,包括《圣经》意象,人物原型和情节原型等。

    Chapter Three will discover the problem : the work contains plenty of biblical archetypes , including the images , characters and plots from The Bible .

  24. 一方面,对小说的圣经原型分析包括三部分:第一部分对作品中的圣经原型人物进行分析。

    On the one hand , the biblical archetypal study of this novel consists of three parts . The first part is about the archetypal characters in the novel .

  25. 善人与恶人来自《圣经》。被看作人类祖先的早期的任何一个圣经中的人物。

    Any of the early Biblical characters regarded as fathers of the human race .