
  • 网络erriammonium sulfate
  1. 介绍了以溴甲酚绿为指示剂,用氢氧化钠滴定游离硝酸,然后在醋酸-醋酸钠缓冲溶液中以EDTA络合滴定铜(),再用铁铵矾为指示剂,在稀硝酸介质中以硫氰酸盐滴定银。

    In the silver electrolyte , free nitric acid was titrated with sodium hydroxide used bromcresol green as indicator . Copper was determined by EDTA compleximetry in the Hac-NaAc buffering solution .

  2. 药物中抗坏血酸的铁铵矾氧化还原滴定法

    Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Drugs by the Ammonium Ferric Sulphate Oxidation-Reduction Titration

  3. 铁铵矾为催化剂对合成乙酸仲丁酯的影响研究

    Study on the Synthesis of Secondary Butyl Acetate by Use Ferriammonium Sulfate as catalyst