
  • 网络RustBelt;the Rust Belt
  1. 曾经帮助这座城市实现发展的铁锈地带大迁徙又重新开始了。

    The great migration from the rustbelt that helped fuel its growth has resumed .

  2. 例如,我在西弗吉尼亚州的铁锈地带长大。

    For example , I grew up in the rust belt of West Virginia .

  3. 在位于四个城市的42座煤矿削减40%的劳动力,是这片靠近俄罗斯边境、正在逐渐衰落的“铁锈地带”最大规模的一次裁员。

    The elimination of about 40 percent of the work force at 42 mines in four cities is the biggest reduction in jobs that anyone could recall in this steadily declining rust belt near the Russian border .

  4. 直到不久以前,位于“铁锈地带”的哈尔滨与沈阳各有两到三家路易威登门店,这些城市尤其受到中国经济放缓的影响,据知情人士透露,这家法国品牌正计划关闭这些城市的店铺。

    Until recently , rust belt cities such as Harbin and Shenyang , that have been particularly affected by China 's slowdown , each had two or three LV stores and it is places such as these where the French brand is planning to close outlets , according to people familiar with the matter .