
Selena Gomez has spoken out over children being separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border .
On the US-Mexico border , a joint event is planned in Las Cruces , New Mexico in conjunction with the launch of US National Infant Immunization Week .
They made the donation in an effort to help migrant children being forcibly separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border , citing their duties as parents .
Judy Cruz with El Centro Regional Medical Center says the accident happened when an SUV crashed into a semi-truck , 18 kilometers north of the US-Mexico border .
Hiking it with my daughter near the Mexican border this month , we sweltered on our first day in soaring temperatures and a 20-mile dry section through the desert .
Thousands of people took part in a rally on Saturday 30 June as protestors urged the US government to reunite hundreds of children separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border .