
  • 网络chain transfer agent;raft;CTA
  1. 研究了链转移剂对悬浮法聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂颗粒特性的影响。

    Effect of chain transfer agent on the particle property of suspension PVC was studied .

  2. 在自交联的丙烯酸酯类乳液体系中,引入链转移剂十二硫醇(DDM)。

    Dodecyl mercaptan ( DDM ) as chain transfer agent was introduced into self-crosslinkable acrylate emulsion system .

  3. 链转移剂存在下PVC分子量的调节规律

    Regulation of PVC Molecular Weight in the Presence of Chain Transfer Agents

  4. 合成了重要的RAFT聚合链转移剂二硫代苯甲酸。

    Synthesized the useful reversible addition-fragmentation transfer ( RAFT ) agent dithiobenzoic acid .

  5. 对这些化合物进行了结构表征,通过UV-vis吸收光谱研究了这些链转移剂和光引发剂在高压汞灯主要发射区的吸收特征。

    Their UV - vis absorption characteristics were investigated .

  6. 元素碘原位生成物作为链转移剂引发VAc的DT聚合。

    Degenerative transfer polymerization of VAc in the presence of elemental iodine .

  7. 利用合成的二硫代苯甲酸苯乙基酯为链转移剂,成功实现了MMA和St在本体及甲苯中的RAFT活性自由基聚合,结果表明均有较为明显的活性聚合特征。

    The rarefied was used as transfer agent for the RAFT polymerization of MMA and St in bulk and toluene , the polymerizations were found with living characters .

  8. 以二硫代羧酸酯和三硫代碳酸酯为链转移剂的可逆加成裂解链转移(RAFT)自由基聚合的发现,在活性自由基聚合领域是一个重要突破。

    RAFT uses the dithiocarbamate or trithiocarbonate derivatives as transfer agents , the polymerization has excellent living behavior , which is an important breakthrough in the development of living free-radical polymerization .

  9. 通过添加不同量链转移剂,改变吸收剂量率、反应体系pH值和反应水浴温度,采用不同单体浓度,可以有效地控制聚合物的分子量。

    The molecular weight of copolymer can be effectively controlled by the addition of different amounts of chain-transfer agent , by changing the absorbing dose rate , the pH in reaction system and the water-bath temperature , and by using various monomer concentration .

  10. 元素碘及其衍生物作为MMA的DT聚合链转移剂以及元素碘与AIBN原位反应产物引发MMA的ATRP;

    Degenerative transfer radical polymerization ( DT ) of MMA with I_2 as a transfer agent and AIBN / I_2 system in situ initiated ATRP of MMA ;

  11. TGA测试表明接枝聚合物量可以通过单体与链转移剂之间的投料比来调控,这说明反应是可控的。

    The TGA measurements showed that the content of the grafted polymer can be adjusted by the ratio of the monomer and the chain transfer agent , so the polymerization process is controlled .

  12. 动力学和GPC分析均表明以BDB为链转移剂时苯乙烯本体聚合的可控性最好。

    The results of kinetic study and GPC analysis both show that the bulk polymerization of styrene can be controlled effectively when BDB is used as chain transfer agent .

  13. 考察了反应温度、单体浓度、预接触时间、链转移剂异丙醇(IPA)等对接枝率、接枝效率的影响。

    The extent of graft polymer formation was measured in terms of grafting percent and grafting efficient as functions of reaction temperature , monomer concentration , pre-interacting time and isopropanol ( IPA ) .

  14. 向塑料光纤纤芯材料纯PMMA中引入链转移剂正丁硫醇(nBM)以控制摩尔质量。

    Chain transfer agents ( n-BM ) was applied to pure PMMA , which was used as the core materials in polymer optical fiber ( POF ), to control the molecular weight of PMMA .

  15. 研究了链转移剂硫醇及极性单体丙烯酸(AA)、丙烯酸-β-羟丙酯(β-HPA)对丙烯酸酯乳液压敏胶性能的影响。

    This research has studied the influence of the chain transfer agent and polar monomer such as sulfur alcohol , acrylic acid ( AA ) and β - hydroxypropyl acrylate (β - HPA ) on the properties of acrylic acid copolymerized emulsion pressure-sensitive adhesive .

  16. 用含碘化合物作为链转移剂,通过种子乳液聚合的方法合成PCP-b-PS两嵌段聚合物。

    Taking iodide as chain-transfer agent , PCP-b-PS diblock copolymers were prepared through seed emulsion polymerization .

  17. 本文由以下四个部分组成:碘原位生成物作为链转移剂的MA的DT聚合;AIBN/I2原位反应物引发St的原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP);

    The thesis consists of four parts : Degenerative transfer polymerization ( DT ) of MA with iodide in situ as a transfer agent and AIBN / I_2 / MA in situ initiated atom transfer radical polymerization ( ATRP );

  18. 采用乳液聚合,以二硫化二异丙基黄原酸酯作为链转移剂,制得黄原酸酯遥爪丁腈共聚物(XTBN)。

    With diisopropyl xanthogen disulfide as chain transfer agents , xantha-telechelic butadiene-acrylonitrile copolymer ( XTBN ) was prepared by emulsion polymerization .

  19. 以衣康酸(IA)、苯乙烯磺酸(SSA)和丙烯酸(AA)为单体,过硫酸铵为引发剂,异丙醇为链转移剂,在水相中合成了IA/SSA/AA共聚物阻垢剂。

    A terpolymer called IA / SSA / AA has been prepared from itaconic acid ( IA ), styrene sulphonic acid ( SSA ) and acrylic acid ( AA ) in water phase by using persulfate ammonium as initiator , 2-propanal as chain-transfer agent .

  20. 以AIBN作引发剂、巯基乙酸作链转移剂、甲基丙烯酸缩水甘油酯作封端剂、苄基氯化三乙胺作催化剂,合成了紫外光固化粉末涂料用的不饱和丙烯酸酯共聚物(即光敏聚合物)。

    The unsaturated acrylate copolymers ( photosensitive polymers ) for UV curing powder coatings were synthesized by using AIBN as initiator , thioglycolic acid as chain transfer agent , glycidyl methacrylate as terminating agent , and benzyl triethylamine chloride as catalyst .

  21. 用碘仿作为退化链转移剂,采取以上方法先制得碘原子封端结构的聚氯丁二烯(PCP-I).然后,用PCP-I作为大分子链转移剂,在AIBN引发下,进行苯乙烯的溶液聚合。

    Adopting iodoform as chain-transfer agent , the iodine atom-ended polychloroprene was prepared first in accordance with the aforementioned method . Then styrene solution polymerization was conducted in toluene with AIBN as initiator and the above obtained polychloroprenes as macro-chain transfer agents .

  22. 在混合溶剂中加入甲基丙烯酸、各种甲基丙烯酸酯单体以及引发剂AIBN和链转移剂DDM,在85℃下反应合成了丙烯酸树脂。

    The monomers of methacrylic acid and various kinds of methyl methacrylic acid ester , initiator of AIBN and chain transfer agent of DDM were added into the mixed solvent , in which the acrylic acid resin was synthesized at a temperature of 85 ℃ .

  23. FTIR-ATR、表面接触角、SEM和AFM的研究结果表明,在接枝单体溶液中加入异丙醇(i-PrOH)作为链转移剂并不影响AA在PEK-C超滤膜表面的接枝反应。

    The influence of isopropanol ( i-PrOH ) as transfer agent on the graft polymerization and the performance of nanofiltration membranes were studied . The results of FTIR-ATR , contact angle , SEM and AFM showed that the presence of i-PrOH did not disturb the graft polymerization of AA .

  24. 首先,用碘仿作为退化链转移剂,按照传统粘接型CR-244氯丁橡胶大生产配方及反应条件,进行了氯丁二烯的低温乳液聚合,得到一定分子量的聚氯丁二烯(PCP-I)种子乳液。

    In the first place , based on the domestic traditional industrial large-scale production formula and reaction conditions of adhesive type CR-244 , the chloroprene free radical emulsion polymerization was performed by iodoform as the degenerative chain transfer agent to obtain the iodine atom-ended polychloroprene seed latex .

  25. 链转移剂对高固含量共聚物乳液的影响

    Effect of chain transfer agent on high solid content copolymer emulsion

  26. 链转移剂2-巯基乙醇对AM/AA共聚反应的影响

    Effects of 2-mercaptoethanol Chain Transfer Agent to AM / AA Copolymerization

  27. 亚硫酸氢钠作链转移剂合成低分子量聚丙烯酸钠

    Synthesis of Low-molecular Weight Sodium Polyacrylate with Sodium Bisulfite as Chain-transfer Agent

  28. 链转移剂对丙烯酸及其钠盐聚合的研究

    A study of chain transfer agent on acrylic - acid polymer sodium salt

  29. 链转移剂加入方式对丙烯酸酯乳液聚合过程及压敏粘接性能的影响

    Effect of the Charging Method of Chain-Transfer Agent on Emulsion Polymerization Process and Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Properties

  30. 研究了引发剂用量、反应温度、链转移剂用量对相对分子量的影响。初步探讨了其助洗性能。

    The effect of initiator amount and chain transfer agent amount on molecular weight were studied .