
  • 网络Link State Routing;Link-State Routing Algorithm;link state routing algorithm
  1. 现有网络常用的路由算法(比如链路状态路由算法)都不具有拥塞预规避控制能力。

    Commonly used routing algorithms , such as link state routing ( LS ), have no congestion pre-avoidance mechanism .

  2. 本文主要描述了优化链路状态路由算法(OptimizedLinkStateRoutingProtocol:OLSR)的特点,并且对OLSR路由算法的性能进行仿真分析。

    In this paper , we describe characteristic of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol : OLSR .

  3. 本文最后还提出了一种基于定位信息的改进型优化链路状态路由算法,并对这种改进后的算法进行了仿真。

    This paper lastly raises an improved Optimized Link State Routing algorithm that based position .

  4. 提出的自适应随机化链路状态路由算法利用自适应随机化方法协调、限制各路由器的局域最优要求,有效地解决了路由振荡问题。

    A novel self-adaptively randomized loop-free link state ( ARLS ) algorithm is proposed , which utilizes local information to achieve self-adaptive randomization and harmonize each router 's local performance requests .

  5. LSCR:一种MobileAdHoc网络链路状态分组路由算法

    LSCR : A Link State-Based Cluster Routing Protocol of Mobile Ad hoc Network

  6. 一种可扩展的链路状态QoS路由算法

    A Scalable Algorithm for Link_state QoS Routing

  7. 现代计算机网络通常使用动态路由算法,有两种动态算法,即距离矢量路由选择算法(RIP)和链路状态路由选择算法(也称SPF算法)是最常太原理工大学硕士研究生学位论文见的。

    Modern network usually uses dynamic routing algorithm and there are two kinds of dynamic routing algorithms : distance vector routing algorithm ( RIP ) and link - state routing algorithm ( call SPF algorithm too ), which are most common .

  8. 链路状态路由演算法维护一个复杂的拓朴资讯资料库。

    Link-state routing algorithms maintain a complex database of topology information .

  9. 基于ODMRP的链路状态预测组播路由算法

    On-demand multicast routing protocol with link status forecasting in Ad hoc network