
liàn jiē shù jù
  • link data
  1. 基于灰关联度的大学网站链接数据分析

    Analysis of the Link Data of the Universities Websites Based on GRA

  2. 链接数据移动看起来就像是通过Web连接数据。

    The linked data movement looks at connecting data across the web .

  3. RESTWeb服务支持应用程序交换链接数据。

    REST Web services enable applications to exchange linked data .

  4. TimBerners-Lee先生预言,链接数据将改变Web的面貌。

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee has predicted that linked data will transform the Web .

  5. 根据所运行引擎的不同,SPARQL可以全部通过称为链接数据结果(linkeddataeffect)的内容进行分发。

    SPARQL , depending on the engine that you run it against , can be completely distributed through something known as the linked data effect .

  6. 本文主要介绍利用Word和Excel的文字处理及链接数据功能进行船舶送检规范计算书的技术文件编制思路。

    The paper introduced how to use the word processing and data linking functions of WORD and EXCEL to create ship ′ s technical document such as calculation book for classification .

  7. Web提要是Exhibit的一个很好的展示示例,因为它所包括的链接数据具有标题、日期和类别(也称标记),这对于想要寻找信息的用户非常有用。

    A Web feed is a nice showcase for Exhibit , as it includes linked data with titles , dates , and categories ( also know as tags ) that are useful for users looking for information .

  8. 文章在Web数据和关系数据库数据的统一模型&超链接数据模型定义的基础上,给出了超链接数据模型的数据操作定义,包括并、差、交、积、筛选、连接、链接等操作。

    At the base of definition of HyperLink data model which unifies Web data and relational database together , This paper puts forward the data manipulation of this data model , such as union , different , intersection , product , filter , join , link .

  9. 如果数据将通过HTTP公开,那么另一种备选方法是基于HTTP的SPARQL连接,这种方法使您的数据成为“链接数据”并且可以实现完全分布。

    An alternative to consider if your data is going to be exposed over HTTP is a SPARQL connection method over HTTP , which makes your data " Linked Data " - ready and can be completely distributed .

  10. 确定在修改被链接数据时,对象的更新方式。

    Determines how an object is updated when linked data is modified .

  11. 此规则在您链接数据时也适用。

    The same rule applies when you link to data .

  12. 超链接数据模型的数据操作

    The Data Manipulation of HyperLink Data Model

  13. 20年来,可链接数据这个新领域发展得比其它任何一种信息表现形式都更加迅猛。

    For two decades , this new universe of linkable data expanded faster than any other form of information .

  14. 最后,我们利用中文百科数据和链接数据建立了一个实验性的关系知识库用来体现我们算法的有效性和高效性。

    And an experimental relation knowledge base from the Chinese encyclopedias and linked data is built to show the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm .

  15. 其次,我们可以通过进入Refresh链接刷新数据。

    Second , we can refresh the data by tapping on the Refresh link .

  16. 找到excel文件和要链接的数据所在的工作表或区域。

    Locate the excel file and the worksheet or range that has the data you want to link to .

  17. 为了链接到数据存储系统,连接器需要允许使用mysqlquery()和pgquery()之类的函数。

    For PHP to connect to data-storage systems , a connector is required that allows functions like mysql_query () and pg_query () .

  18. 工作台从DataStage输入链接读取数据。

    The stage reads the data from the DataStage input link .

  19. 您需要将ActionURL存储到会话的例子是Ajax驱动的分页数据表,它包含ActionURL链接作为数据集的一部分。

    An example of when you would want to store Action URLs into the session is an Ajax-driven paging data table that contains Action URL links as part of the data set .

  20. 本文提出了利用Access实现事件型统计报表的原理和方法。该方法由Access报表与MCGS的动态链接、数据变量的选择查询和MCGS控件!

    In the paper a kind of report form about events in MCGS is achieved by Microsoft Access 2000 , and its principle and method is also introduced in detail .

  21. DataDisplayDebugger是GDB的图形前端,它甚至支持高难度的任务,比如虚拟化使用指针链接的数据结构。

    The GNU debugger ( GDB ) is quite powerful ; the Data Display Debugger is a graphical front end for GDB and even supports difficult tasks like the visualization of pointer-linked data structures .

  22. 然而,如同RSS一样,当聚集数据然后探究和交叉链接这些数据时,FOAF才显露出其真正有趣的部分。

    However , as with RSS , the really interesting parts of FOAF come into play when the data is aggregated and can then be explored and cross-linked .

  23. 属于某一链接多维数据集的分区不能有聚合

    Partitions that belong to a linked cube cannot have any aggregations

  24. 无法将文档重新连接到所链接的数据源。

    Failed to reconnect the document to the linked data source .

  25. 无法为链接多维数据集中的分区设计聚合

    Unable to design aggregations for partitions in a linked cube

  26. 无法在发布服务器上粘贴链接多维数据集。

    Cannot paste a linked cube on the publishing server .

  27. 使用“下一页”和“上一页”链接在数据中移动。

    Use the next and previous links to move through the data .

  28. 链接多维数据集是基于现有多维数据集的多维数据集。

    A linked cube is a cube based on an existing cube .

  29. 针对模型运行的报表支持点击链接型数据浏览。

    Reports that run against models support clickthrough data exploration .

  30. 链接多维数据集必须只有一个分区

    Linked cubes must have only one partition