
  • 网络chain termination
  1. 从聚合物分子量评价自由基聚合的链终止反应

    Evaluation of chain termination in radical polymerization based on the molecular weights of polymers

  2. 链终止反应速度与活性中心浓度的二次方成正比。

    The chain termination is second order with respect to the concentration of active species .

  3. 同时,煤中固有的芳香大分子自由基也可与聚合物大分子自由基结合发生自由基链终止反应。

    At the same time , the aroma macromolecule free radical of coal made the chain reaction end by combining with polymer macromolecule free radical .

  4. 热裂解链引发-终止反应的计算CH键的断裂-形成

    Calculation for Chain Initiation-Termination Reactions in Thermal Cracking : Cleavage-Formation of C & H Bond

  5. 结果表明,链引发和链终止反应与嵌段链活性中心的形态有关,只有嵌段链活性中心的低活性形态才能同αMS发生引发反应,而高活性形态则与αMS发生链终止反应。

    It was found that the chain initiation and termination reactions were dependent on the species of the block chain active centres and only the lower active species . could initiate α es while the higher active species were terminated rapidly by α MS.

  6. 本文考察了Fe(naph)2-Al(iBu)3卤化物体系催化丁二烯聚合的链引发、链增长和链终止反应。

    Initiation , propagation and termination of the polymerization of butadiene catalyzed by Fe ( naph ) _2 Al ( I Bu ) _3 Halides system have been investigated .

  7. 计算了在不同聚合条件和各种催化剂组成时的链增长、对烷基铝链转移及链终止反应的速度常数。

    The propagation , transfer and termination reaction rate constants have been calculated for different polymerization conditions and for catalysts of various compositions .