
kēnɡ qiānɡ méi ɡui
  • 熟语steel rose;beautiful and energetic policewoman, etc.
  1. 她们是又一支铿锵玫瑰,她们是今天最美丽的玫瑰!

    They are another sonorous rose , they are the today most beautiful roses !

  2. 中国女足的姑娘们真不愧为铿锵玫瑰!

    The girls of the Chinese football team are worthy of the name " clangorous rose " .

  3. 女子国家队被人昵称为“铿锵玫瑰”业已取得了相对的成功。她们1999年曾打入世界杯决赛,在点球决战中败给了美国。

    The women 's national team , nicknamed the Iron Roses , has seen relative success , reaching the World Cup final in1999 , when it lost to the United States in a penalty-kick shootout .
