
  1. 乐观主义仍然是正确的出发点,但对工人来说,技术的错位效应可能会比其节奏更快地显现出来。

    Optimism remains the right starting-point , but for workers the dislocating effects of technology may make themselves evident faster than its rhythm .

  2. 人民币汇率错位贸易收支效应研究

    Research on the current account effect of RMB'real exchange rate misalignment

  3. 错位散斑效应在无损检测中的应用

    The fault dispersive spot effect used in nondestructive inspection

  4. 人民币实际汇率错位的经济效应实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Economic Effects of the Real Exchange Rate Misalignment of RMB

  5. 通过建立计量模型,从1984&2004年整体时段来研究人民币实际汇率错位的经济效应,结果表明,实际汇率错位对出口和进口都产生了显著的负面影响。

    On the base of constructing econometric models to study the economic effects of the misalignment , the results shows that the misalignment produced significantly negative effects to export and import .

  6. 本文讨论了错位散斑效应的原理和散斑图的部分相干光信息处理的方法,并给出利用该效应进行纤维板试体无损检测的实验结果和照片。

    In this paper , the principle of the fault dispersive spot effect and the method used in processing the information of the partially coherent light of the di-Spsrsive spot diagrams are explained .

  7. 采用三次插值时,调整负系数比例,补偿γ值的非线性效应,能有效克服颜色错位和振铃效应等。

    When the cubic interpolation is carried out , negative coefficient proportion will be adjusted and nonlinear effect of ? value will be compensated , thus can effectively overcome color error and ring effect .

  8. 结果表明:我国人民币汇率对国内农产品价格的影响表现为不完全传递,传递系数为0.61。汇率错位的间接效应对真实农业支持水平的转移程度比不存在传递效应时显著下降。

    The results showed that the RMB exchange rate had an incomplete pass-through to domestic agricultural prices , and the pass-through coefficient was 0.61.The indirect effect caused by exchange rate misalignment will significantly decrease than the real agricultural support level when transferred to the equilibrium agricultural support .

  9. 研究表明,人民币汇率错位的贸易收支效应存在,这种效应存在2年的时滞,且效应很弱。

    The research showed the current account effect of real exchange rate misalignment did exist , and this effect was a 2 years time lag and this effect was very weak .