
cuò bié zì
  • wrongly written or mispronounced characters
错别字 [cuò bié zì]
  • [wrongly written or mispronounced characters] 错字和别字的合称

错别字[cuò bié zì]
  1. 随着对外汉字的教学发展,前人关于汉字的分析和教学研究已经取得了一定的发展,但是相对于语音、词汇和语法的研究,在汉语错别字方面的研究就少得多。

    With the development of TCFL , the predecessor has achieved a certain development in Chinese analysis and research . Compare to the pronunciation , vocabulary and grammar , the research of wrongly written or mispronounced characters is much less .

  2. 出版物要消灭错别字之类的硬伤。

    Obvious mistakes like typos etc.

  3. 这倒没有什么铁律。但一些小事,比如简历上的错别字,会影响录取。

    There are no hard and fast rules , but some simple things , like typos in your resume .

  4. 某学校发给学生的健康调查表里有个错别字——把“性别”的“性”字写成了“袜”字。

    THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error -- the word " Sex " had been spelled with an " o " .

  5. 错别字-有时人们拼错的东西,域名也不例外。

    Typos-Sometimes people misspell things , and domain names are no exception .

  6. 第三部分,大学阶段错别字,字音错误是突出的错误类型。

    Chapter three analyzes the error types during the college .

  7. 一些错别字和错误的描述信息被修正了。

    Some typo 's and descriptions across the universe have been fixed .

  8. 它曾总是困扰着我,但是我了解它只是为了解释简洁和错别字。

    It used to bother me but I realize that it explains brevity and typos .

  9. 在此期间,如果你看到一个错误装载的风格一定要仔细看看,为错别字。

    In the meantime if you see an error loading a style make sure to look carefully for typos .

  10. 如果您要个令人印象深刻的完美,无错误和错别字的简历就选择这项服务。

    Choose this service to get a beautifully written cover letter that is not only engaging , but also error free .

  11. 有些错别字,我会在茶桶准备好的繁体中文版档案时做订正。

    There are a few typos in it , and I will fix them when Detong prepare the traditional Chinese file .

  12. 宣传材料里有语法错误或错别字,喜欢用拉丁文,语言华而不实,还喜欢展示学位证书的样本。

    Promotional literature contains grammatical and spelling errors , words in Latin , extravagant or pretentious language , and sample diplomas .

  13. 在质量上,她不许我们有错别字,在书写上,她要求我们字迹工整,卷面整洁。

    On quality , she forbade us to have wrong character , in writing , she asked us write neatly and neatness .

  14. 对传统二维解析理论重大错误的修正一些错别字和错误的描述信息被修正了。

    Corrections to serious mistakes of traditional two-dimensional analytic theories ; Some typo 's and descriptions across the universe have been fixed .

  15. 故宫方面向警察局赠送锦旗,但是有细心的网友发现锦旗上面竟然有错别字。

    The Palace presented a banner to the police side , but carefully as many users found that there was fault on the banner .

  16. 同意修改申请人自备文件的计算错误和错别字、遗漏或误加的文字;

    Agreeing to modify the calculation errors and wrongly written words , omitted words or added words by mistake in the applicant 's self-provided documents ;

  17. 噢,还有一件事,在今时今日,简历中没有任何理由出现错别字和语法错误。

    Oh and one other thing , in this day and age , there is no excuse for typos and grammar mistakes in a resume .

  18. 曹操:蔡将军,这错别字可是不少,希望你带兵别像你的文笔一样糟。

    General Cai , I see many grammatical errors here . I hope your military strategies are not as poor as your command of literature .

  19. 为了把有错别字的毕业证书在两天之内全部重新打印并寄出,科罗拉多梅萨大学建立了一个网站专门来收集毕业证书重新印刷的申请。

    The university has already created a website to fulfill diploma requests with the goal of having each diploma reprinted and mailed out within two days .

  20. 一个建议:汉语学习者不要买盗版金庸,错别字会把你逼疯。

    A suggestion : as a student of Chinese don 't get the pirated version of Jin Yong 's books , or the typos will drive you mad .

  21. 某学校发给学生的健康调查表里有个错别字&把性别的性字写成了袜字。

    THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error & the word " Sex " had been spelled with an " o " .

  22. 教材方面的原因:根据教材编排的特点阐述错别字现象产生的原因。

    Of the reasons of the teaching material : according to the characteristics of the teaching material arrangement this paper expounds the formation causes of wrong character phenomenon .

  23. 这尴尬的错别字在9200份毕业证书的左下角静静待了六年,直到一位热心的学校报纸编辑艾力克·威廉斯在这个月发现了它。

    The embarrassing typo lingered in the bottom left corner of nearly 9200 diplomas for six years -- until outgoing school newspaper editor Alec Williams caught it this month .

  24. 在新闻发布的评论里,很多人抱怨错别字和内容的表达,但鸣谢鼓励我继续进行。

    In the comments below the news release , a lot of people complained about mispronounced characters , and the glossary , but the acknowledgements really cheered me up .

  25. 一开始,他说他并不确定照片上的的确确是个错别字,还是一种专门使用在毕业证书上的古英文字体。

    At first , he said , he wasn 't sure if what he saw was actually a mistake or just part of the classic Old English font used on diplomas .

  26. 如今,即使,老师一连几个错别字或小毛病,我除了查字典,翻资料外,就不会有其他动作。

    Now , even if , the teacher for a few wrong character or small trouble , I in addition to the dictionary , turn over the data , there would be no other action .

  27. 在小学汉字教学中很普遍的现象就是教师出力不少,收效不大,学生记忆负担大,错别字层出不穷,对汉字的学习缺乏兴趣和动力,甚至感到头痛。

    It is rather common that teachers make much effort in elementary Chinese character teaching but achieve little . Elementary students have burden in memorizing , lose interest and impetus , and even feel headache in learning characters .

  28. 总结阐述了农业科技文章中的文题、结构层次、表格编排、面积单位使用、错别字等方面常出现的问题,并结合实践和调查进行了分析。

    The paper has summarized and defined common problems in the title , structural layers , table format , use of area unit , wrongly written or mispronounced in agricultural sci-tech papers , and analyzed them by combination practice with the investigation .

  29. 笔者在教学过程中,在学生的作业、作文和考试中收集了汉字错误,并及时对错别字进行整理和分类,并做出数据化分析,从中发现华裔学生汉字偏误的特点及成因。

    This Chinese character errors are mainly from students ' homework , writing in the test collection , Chinese characters errors , and timely collate and classify these errors , and make data analysis , found from Chinese characters error characteristics of Chinese students .

  30. 汉字本体特点的原因:汉字属于一种复杂的文字,是音形义的结合体,根据汉字的特点分析低年段小学生出现错别字的原因。

    The cause of the Chinese characters noumenon features : Chinese characters belong to a kind of complex words , is the combination of form , is the sound analysis according to the characteristics of Chinese characters appear younger pupils for the cause of the wrong character .