- 网络LongBow;long bow

Longbow archers can fire eight to ten arrows per minute .
The truth is even at close range a longbow wont pierce plate armour .
I think Liang Jieming and others are right that firearms replaced longbows and crossbows more because they were easier to train with and becoming cheaper .
What does the passage tell us about the long bow ?
then came halberdiers , and some armed with cross-bows .
Actually it is rather incorrect to say that the longbows won agincourt .
Their powerful bows give them punch , while there horses give them mobility .
As the inventors of the longbow , the Welsh are among it 's most skilful proponents .
In physics terms , a longbow archer is an arrow generator with a frequency of 150 millihertz .
These Scottish troops are elite armoured longbowmen , and form part of the French King 's guard .
One day it happened that two men with long bows rode through her forest , hunting for deer .
His unfinished longbow was carved from yew , the best wood for such a purpose because of its great tensile strength .
On the Method of the Length of Chord and the Height of Segment of a Circle for Measuring the Diameters of a Large Cylinder
Another hypothesis is that ? tzi was a hunter of alpine ibex ; the longbow and quiver of arrows may support this notion .
This long sword is etched with faerie runes , granting + 1 Healing Rate and10 % Fire , Cold and Electrical Resistance when equipped .
Originating from Wales , a longbow using a'bodkin'arrow , a hard chiselled tip shaped like an elongated pyramid , can pierce all but the best armour .
The medieval longbow , which placed huge stress on both the drawing arm and the arm that held the bow steady , may have been responsible .
English archers used longbows in the Hundred Years'War , and the weapon played an important role in the Battles of Crecy , Poitiers , and Agincourt .
This injury occurs only in adolescence , when the bones in the arm have not yet fully fused , and may have been caused by attempts to practise with an adult longbow .
Powerful English infantry , working to protect the mighty longbowmen will win many a battle however , the English will have to overcome the fact that their cavalry does not offer the same variety and power as some rival factions .
Though he was originally little more than a Robin Hood-themed Batman knockoff , the character truly came into his own when Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams recreated him as a liberal crusader in the 1970s , and he then took a darker turn with the 1980s limited series Longbow Hunters , by Mike Grell .