
  • 网络changchun university
  1. 长春大学教学管理信息网的研究与实践

    A study and practice of management information network in Changchun University

  2. 本人于2005年毕业于长春大学外国语学院英语专业。

    I graduated from Foreign Language Institute of Changchun University in2005 . I am majored in English .

  3. 长春大学学报总目次

    Journal of Changchun University

  4. 并对长春大学2007级两个非英语专业班进行了实验研究。

    And the researcher makes a study about two classes of non-English majors from Changchun University , who entered the university in 2007 .

  5. 钢琴调律专业在音乐学领域的发展前景分析&基于钢琴调律专业在长春大学的途程

    An analysis on the development prospect of piano tuning major in the musicology field & Based on the path of piano tuning major in Changchun University

  6. 本文以长春大学图书馆为例,对中小型高校图书馆数字资源建设的原则和方法提出了一些建议。

    Taking changchun University library as example , some suggestions of principles and ways for development of digital resources of the medium and small libraries in colleges and universities have been put forward .

  7. 从作为学分制导师的切身实践出发,介绍了长春大学学分制教学管理模式下实行导师制管理的基本内容、运行现状、存在问题及如何做好导师工作的对策思路。

    This paper introduces the contents , current operation , and problem that exists in the management of Tutorial System within the Credit-System teaching administration mode in Changchun University , and discusses ways of improving the work of tutors by combining with the authors ' own practice .

  8. 在长春师范大学,食堂还提供打包服务。

    At Changchun Normal University the canteen provides a take-away service .

  9. 长春凯旋大学行政人员职业生涯管理方案设计

    Career Management Project Design for the Administrative Staff of Kai Xuan University in Changchun

  10. 参加本次实验的120名受试者是长春某大学不同年级不同院系的非英语专业的学生。

    The subjects of this empirical study are 120 non-English majors from different departments and different grades of a university in Changchun .

  11. 在长春某大学的一家连锁超市里,不同种类的避孕套被放在显眼的位置上。

    In a supermarket inside a university in Changchun , various kinds of condoms are put on the tops of the shelves .

  12. 我们请来一位羽毛球教练和一些资深球友来加入群。就读于长春师范大学英语专业的叶思林说。

    We have invited a badminton coach and some veteran players to join the group , said the English major at Changchun Normal University .

  13. 以长春工业大学非英语专业研究生的作文为语料,本研究调查了非英语专业研究生的英语语篇中是否存在口语化特征。

    Using the sample compositions of non-English major postgraduates from Changchun University of Technology as the learner data , the paper investigates whether English writings of non-English major postgraduates display spoken features .

  14. 本研究的受试对象是长春工业大学软件学院2008级两个班140名学生。学生分为实验组和对照组。

    The research focuses on the English writing written by college students in Software Department of Changchun University of Technology as its subjects . Two groups including 140 students are divided into experimental group and control group .

  15. 长春理工大学OA系统安全性及实施方案研究

    ChangChun University of Science and Technology Office Automation System Security and Solution Research

  16. 长春理工大学科技大厦结构设计

    Structural Design of the Technology Mansion of Changchun Science and Engineering University

  17. 忆长春第一军医大学航空医学系

    Recollections of Department of Aviation Medicine , Changchun 1st Military Medical University

  18. 大学英语教学改革与体验英语教学&长春工程学院大学英语教改介绍

    College English teaching reform and experiencing English teaching

  19. 长春的吉林大学学报总编辑王立则提出了另外一种担忧。她承认政府的项目可能会加强国内领先的科技期刊的实力,但是这样做可能会让其它科技期刊得不到什么好的利益。

    Wang Li , chief editor of Changchun-based Journal of Jilin University , raises another concern .

  20. 长春理工大学科技大厦为双塔连体高层建筑。

    The technology mansion of Changchun Science and Engineering University is a high-rise building of double-tower connecting .

  21. 幸好,包括长春东北师范大学在内的一些学校可以为小规模的派对提供场地。

    Fortunately , some schools such as Northeast Normal University in Changchun are offering space for smaller parties .

  22. 本文主要介绍长春理工大学理学院固体激光实验室,努力建设“节约型”实验室的工作实践。

    This paper introduces the solid-laser laboratory has striven hard to construct economical laboratory in Faculty of Science in Changchun University of Science and Technology .

  23. 今天我去长春理工大学光电信息学院参加首届全国聋人中专大学画展。

    Today I went to Changchun University of Science and Technology Information Institute to participate in the first photo of the National University for the deaf secondary school art exhibition .

  24. 长春理工大学理学院的近代物理实验室在2003年底顺利通过吉林省双基实验室的检查验收,是合格的专业基础实验室。

    Modern Physics Laboratory of Science College of Changchun University of Science and Technology had passed examination of double basic Laboratory of Jilin province in the end of 2003 , and is eligibility basic laboratory of specialty .

  25. 方法:选取符合条件的长春中医药大学附属临床医院门诊和住院患者60例,随机分为醒脑再造颗粒试验组、脑安胶囊对照组。

    Doses . Method : select qualified changchun university of Chinese medicine clinical hospital outpatient service and be in hospital affiliated with 60 cases were randomly divided into refreshing reengineering particles control group , brain Ann capsule .

  26. 方法:1、病例来源:以2009年12月-2010年12月期间在长春中医药大学附属医院心内科门诊及住院、诊断为高脂血症、资料完整的患者为研究对象,共计100例。

    Case Source : The December 2009-2010 in 12-month period in Changchun Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Cardiology , University Hospital outpatients and inpatients , diagnosed with hyperlipidemia , patients with complete data for the study , a total of 100 cases . 2 .

  27. 结论:长春中医药大学附属医院骨科疗区规范化疗法对治疗寒湿痹阻型膝骨性关节炎疗效确切,与目前公认的玻璃酸钠注射液关节腔内注射相比疗效更显著,值得临床应用。

    Conclusion : Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Orthopedic treatment area Blockage of standardized therapy for treating type Alpine knee osteoarthritis is effective , with the currently accepted intra-articular injection of sodium hyaluronate injection effect is more obvious than worthy of clinical application .

  28. 本文在长春理工大学日本日立医疗器械株式会社医用软件开发共同研究室的项目帐目管理系统的开发过程中,探讨了面向中、小型软件企业的软件配置管理。

    Combined with the actual development process of the project " Account Management System ", which is supported by the Changchun University of Science and Technology & Japanese Hitachi Medical Company , we discuss some key aspects of SCM for mid / min software companies in this thesis .

  29. 来自长春的华北师范大学附属中学的一名16岁学生如是说。

    Said Wang , 16 , from the High School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University in Changchun .

  30. 吉林大学坐落在占林省省会长春市,吉林大学校园占地面积661万多平方米,校舍建筑面积近310万平方米,分为6个校区8个校园。

    JLU is located in Changchun , the capital city of Jilin Province in Northeastern China . JLU campus covers a total area of 6.61 million square meters with 3.4 million square meters of floor space including eight campuse in six districts.The University Library has a collection of 5 .