- 名Fin whale;finback

The blue and fin whale are the two largest species in the oceans .
The researchers analysed images taken by drones of blue and fin3 whales in Canada 's Gulf4 of St Lawrence – an important summer feeding ground for whales .
Scars seen on the bodies of the whales suggest that 60 % of blue whales studied , and about half of fin whales , had been entangled in nets at some point in their life .
During that time 122 right whales died , along with 473 humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) , 257 fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) and scores of whales of other species .
The fin-back whale can dive to a depth of500 metres .
Still need to carve the ailerons , intakes and fin base .
Shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans ; major source of food for e.g.baleen whales .
Small finback of coastal waters of Atlantic and Pacific .
Large baleen whales primarily use the lower frequencies and are often limited in their repertoire .
Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz , while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies .
The findings come from a study of156 blue , fin and sperm whales swimming in the Gulf of California .
and it took a truly crafty baleen whale or an exceptionally astute sperm whale to elude the thrusts of his harpoon .
However , the position of the eyes so restricts the field of vision in baleen whales that they probably do not have stereoscopic vision .
Tang said that judging from the whale 's wound , the fin was possibly cut by people , and the whale died more than 10 days .
The three species vary in the amount of pigmentation in their skin , with blue whales being the lightest in color and fin whales the darkest .
So till I have proof to the contrary , I 'll deny that baleen whales , sperm whales , or unicorns can do any such thing .
The order Cetacea consists of three families , baleen whales , sperm whales , dolphins , and it 's in this last group that narwhales are placed .
Blue whales , who have fairer skin than most whales , suffered more than the darker fin whales , she reports in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Well versed in the theory of classification , he was poorly versed in its practical application , and I doubt that he could tell a sperm whale from a baleen whale !
And , just as in humans , the lighter-skinned blue whales suffered more from the sun 's rays , whereas the darkest whales , the fin whales , had the fewest abnormalities .
The dead animal was a fin whale , a second-class national-level protected animal , said Tang Wenqiao , a professor from Shanghai Ocean University , who checked the whale on-site last Tuesday morning .
Now , for all the reasons put forward to this point , I believed that this animal was a member of the branch Vertebrata , class Mammalia , group Pisciforma , and finally , order Cetacea .
I believe in the existence of a mammal with a powerful constitution , belonging to the vertebrate branch like baleen whales , sperm whales , or dolphins , and armed with a tusk made of horn that has tremendous penetrating power .