
  • 网络Changchun University of Technology
  1. 以长春工业大学非英语专业研究生的作文为语料,本研究调查了非英语专业研究生的英语语篇中是否存在口语化特征。

    Using the sample compositions of non-English major postgraduates from Changchun University of Technology as the learner data , the paper investigates whether English writings of non-English major postgraduates display spoken features .

  2. 本研究的受试对象是长春工业大学软件学院2008级两个班140名学生。学生分为实验组和对照组。

    The research focuses on the English writing written by college students in Software Department of Changchun University of Technology as its subjects . Two groups including 140 students are divided into experimental group and control group .