
  • 网络Telephoto lens;Camera lens;long-focus
  1. 运动、感光度以及长焦镜头的使用都将影响到画质的清晰度。

    Motion , light levels , or the use of a telephoto lens can compromise clarity .

  2. 经证实,这组照片并非伪造。当时米德尔顿和她的丈夫威廉王子正在法国南部度假享受日光浴,显然有人用长焦镜头偷拍到这组照片。

    It has been confirmed that the images are genuine , taken apparently with a telephoto lens while Middleton and her husband , Prince William , were sunbathing on vacation in southern France .

  3. 《Chi》还宣布将在周一刊登26幅照片,这些照片都是狗仔队在数百米外通过长焦镜头拍摄的。

    Chi says it will publish 26 pages of the images taken with a long lens from hundreds of meters away on Monday .

  4. 瑞芬斯塔尔采用了移动摄影机、长焦镜头、失真透视和空中摄影技术,令观众为之着迷。

    Riefenstahl 's use of moving cameras , telephoto lenses , distorted perspectives and aerial photography captivated audiences .

  5. 三脚架或者脚架能让你即使是使用长焦镜头,也能获得清晰的影像。

    Otherwise a tripod or monopod can help you to get sharp pictures even with a tele lens .

  6. 这张照片精彩是因为使用了长焦镜头,还是因为使用了广角镜头?

    Is the photo effective because it is compressed with a telephoto , or opened up with a wide-angle lens ?

  7. 遍及广角、超广角和长焦镜头的所有重大升级,使其成为拍片利器。

    With major updates across the Wide , Ultra Wide , and Telephoto cameras , it 's an incredible device for filmmaking .

  8. 可使用闪光灯,但鼓励摄影师使用长焦镜头并避免群聚在发言者周围以便不影响他们的工作。

    Flash units may be used , but photographers are encouraged to use telephoto lenses and avoid grouping around speakers so as not to disturb their work .

  9. 这使得它更容易稳定相机正常,并应有助于控制相机的抖动,特别是如果您经常使用或更长的变焦长焦镜头。

    This makes it easier to steady the camera properly , and should help to control camera shake , especially if you frequently use the telephoto zoom lens or longer .

  10. 宽谱段折射式长焦光学镜头

    Wide Bands Long Focal Refracting Lens

  11. 这张照片的是通过长焦距镜头拍摄的,将其它鸟类隔离,留下一个安静的环境作背景。

    The trick was to shoot on the periphery with a long lens to isolate the birds against a quiet background .

  12. 长焦变焦镜头用于军事瞄准时,变焦过程中较大的光中心漂移,降低瞄准精度。

    When zoom lens are used for military sighting , the drift of optical center caused by the change of focus length will reduce the sighting accuracy severely .

  13. 分析比较了数码相机和摄像机的特点和优势,利用数码相机的长焦距镜头、高像素、高灵敏度和彩色成像特性拍摄低照度谱线,获得了清晰的图样。

    This article compared the characters and advantages of digital cameras and cameras . It can take a clear picture of weaken spectrum , by auto colorful digital camera with high sensitivity , high pixels , and long distance focus lens .