
  1. 周二,中国新型长征五号B大型运载火箭进行首次太空实验,并将这艘柔性充气式货物返回舱发射升空。

    The flexible and inflatable capsule was launched on Tuesday aboard the country 's new large carrier rocket Long March-5B for its first test in space .

  2. 宁洪(音译)将带来详细报道:周四上午,搭载着中国空间站天和核心舱的长征五号B遥二运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射场发射升空。

    Ning Hong has more : A Long March 5B rocket from Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Center in Hainan Province on Thursday Morning , carrying the core module of the Tianhe space station .

  3. 中国计划在本月末发射运载嫦娥五号月球探测器的长征五号火箭。

    China plans to launch a Long March-5 rocket carrying the Chang'e-5 lunar probe late this month .

  4. 8月,中国发射了世界首颗量子卫星。11月,中国发射了新一代大推力重型运载火箭长征五号。

    China launched the world 's first quantum satellite in August and powerful new heavy-lift rocket Long March 5 in November .

  5. 该发动机将很快安装在最新的长征五号火箭上,长征五号是中国最大的运载火箭。

    The engine will soon be installed on the latest version of the Long March-5 rocket , the largest carrier rocket of the country .

  6. 执行这次任务的是长征五号火箭,将于海南省的文昌卫星发射中心发射。

    It is due to be launched by the Changzheng 5 ( " Long March 5 " ) rocket from the Wenchang cosmodrome in Hainan Province .

  7. 探测器由中国最大的运载火箭长征五号从海南文昌航天发射中心发射升空。

    The probe on China 's largest carrier rocket , the Long March 5 , from the Wenchang Space Launch Centre in the southern island province of Hainan .

  8. 据中国探月工程三期总设计师胡浩介绍,嫦娥五号重达8.2吨,将由长征五号运载火箭发射。

    Hu Hao , the chief designer of the third phase of China 's lunar program , said Chang'e-5 weighs 8.2 tons and will be launched by the carrier rocket Long March 5 .

  9. 2020年7月23日,长征五号重型运载火箭在海南省文昌航天发射中心成功发射了我国首个独立火星探测任务“天问一号”,开启了我国行星探测计划的序幕。

    Tianwen-1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 from the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan province , kicking off the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  10. 2020年,中国航天科技集团有限公司共执行了34次火箭发射任务,其中长征五号系列火箭将中国新一代载人飞船试验船和中国首个独立研制的火星探测器送入太空,还完成了具有里程碑意义的嫦娥五号月球采样返回任务。

    In 2020 , CASC conducted 34 rocket flights , including three by Long March 5-series rockets that carried into space the prototype of China 's next-generation manned spacecraft , the country 's first independent Mars probe and the landmark Chang'e 5 lunar mission .

  11. 7月23日,我国在海南文昌航天发射场,用“长征五号”重型运载火箭成功发射我国首次独立火星探测任务“天问一号”探测器,开启了我国行星探测的序幕。

    Tianwen 1 , the country 's first independent Mars mission , was launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket on July 23 at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province , opening the nation 's planetary exploration program .

  12. 作为中国太空任务的主要承办公司,中国航天科技集团公司上周五表示,探索火星是我国新一代重型火箭长征五号已经接受的10大订单中的一个。

    China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp , the main contractor of China 's space missions , said on Friday that the Mars exploration is among the 10 major orders that Long March 5 , the country 's next-generation heavy lift rocket , has received so far .

  13. 于登云说,我国将于2020年年底之前在海南文昌航天发射中心通过长征五号重型运载火箭发射“嫦娥五号”探测器。

    Yu Dengyun , deputy chief designer of China 's lunar exploration program , said on Sunday that Chang'e 5 will be launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province by the end of 2020 .