
shǎn guāng dēng
  • flash lamp;flashing light;flashbulb;flashgun
闪光灯 [shǎn guāng dēng]
  • [flash lamp] 摄影时用的能产生短暂而强烈的闪光的灯

闪光灯[shǎn guāng dēng]
  1. 设计对LED信号灯和闪光灯进行联动控制的交通控制系统,并实现光强夜自减功能和配时功能,避免夜晚的信号灯眩光现象,使交通控制更加灵活,提高疏导交通的性能。

    A traffic control system is designed to realize the linkage control of signal lamp and flash lamp , complex with the function of brightness dimming at night and time data setting .

  2. 纵向放电激励XeCl闪光灯

    Longitudinally discharged XeCl excimer flash lamp

  3. 拍这个镜头我需要闪光灯。

    I 'll need flash for this shot .

  4. 该乐队演出时闪光灯曾20分钟频闪不息。

    The band left their strobes on for 20 minutes .

  5. 一些配有黄色闪光灯的大雾警示标志立了起来。

    Some fog warning signs had been put up with flashing yellow lights .

  6. 光照亮度应达到不开闪光灯便可以清楚拍照的程度。

    Lighting levels should be sufficient for photography without flash

  7. 他是最先使用高速闪光灯拍摄鸟类的人之一。

    He was one of the first people to use high speed flash in bird photography .

  8. 相机要是带有闪光灯的话,我们晚上也可以拍照了。

    With a flash-bulb attachment , we could also take pictures at night .

  9. 你有没有用闪光灯?

    Did you use flash ?

  10. "每次点击都像照相机的闪光灯。"

    " Each click is like a camera flash . "

  11. 几乎在每个日本家庭中,你都能找到一个装有闪光灯、收音机、水和足够吃几天的食物的救生包。

    Almost in every Japanese family you can find a survival kitwith a flash-light , a radio , water and enough food for several days .

  12. 一个发散的闪光灯束可以用透镜重新聚焦。

    The beam of flashlight diverges , but it can be refocused with lenses .

  13. 因为顾客的眼睛正对著闪光灯呢youarelookingrightintoit。

    You are looking right into it .

  14. 自我监控功能确保正确的安装和操作,其警报LED闪光灯能指示任何故障。

    The self-monitoring unit ensures proper installation and operation , and the alarm LED flashes to indicate any problems .

  15. LED广泛应用于背光、闪光灯、屏幕显示、信号指示及交通工具等各个方面。

    LEDs have been widely applied to back lighting , flashlamp , screen display , the signal direction and transportation means .

  16. 用荧光转换的闪光灯泵浦Ti:Al2O3激光器

    Flash-lamp-pumped Ti : Al_2O_3 laser using fluorescent conversion

  17. 基于SVM的视频中闪光灯的检测方法

    Flash detection in video based on SVM

  18. 利用闪光灯作为抽运源研究了Nd∶GdVO4晶体的脉冲激光性能。

    Pulse laser performance of Nd ∶ GdVO 4 crystal is investigated by using xenon-flash lamp as pump source .

  19. Zoom闪光灯变焦透镜设计

    A Design of Condenser Lens of Zoom Flash

  20. 圣诞树上装了310万个微型灯泡、2150个闪光灯以及100个LED反光镜,确保这棵打破纪录的圣诞树能够不停地变换颜色,呈现不同的设计效果。

    The tree itself contains 3.1 million micro bulbs , 2,150 strobe effects and 100 LED reflectors , which enable the record-beating tree to change colour and display different designs .

  21. 根据您相机的ISO设置并按闪光灯要求的光圈数值来选好您相机的光圈大小。

    Set the lens aperture to the aperture value designated by the flash unit according to the ISO setting of your camera .

  22. 利用离子注入GaAs实现闪光灯泵浦Nd:YAG激光器被动调Q,脉冲宽度为62ns。

    We realized passive Q-switch of flash lamp pumped Nd : YAG laser with ion-implanted GaAs , which produce pulse as narrow as 62 ns .

  23. 此外,该示意图同样展示了背部的双摄像头是竖直排布的,而LED闪光灯放置在两个摄像头中间的位置。

    Apart from that , the schematics also shows that the two cameras on the back are placed vertically , with an LED flash sitting in middle of the two camera modules .

  24. Bridgman法生长Cr∶LiCAF晶体及其闪光灯泵浦性能

    Cr ∶ LiCAF Crystal Grown by Bridgman Method and Its Flashlamp pumped Laser Properties

  25. 企业投入了大量精力用于开发新产品,正如飞利浦公司美容市场经理大卫希尔(DavidHill)所说那样,这些投入带来的不仅仅是闪光灯。

    Great effort is invested in developing products that , as Philips ' grooming marketing manager David Hill puts it , offer more than just extra flashing lights .

  26. 闪光灯泵浦Nd~(3+):GGG激光特性研究

    Lasing Features of Flashlamp Pumped Nd3 + : GGG Laser

  27. 本文综述了闪光灯光谱分布指数SDI值的计算方法,并对闪光光谱测试系统的组成、性能及测试结果进行了介绍与分析。

    And analysis of components property and test result for the flash spectral measurement system .

  28. flashlightn.手电筒,闪光灯在我从楼梯上摔下来后,我又跑上去看自己到底是咋摔的,结果,我又摔了一次。

    After I fell down the stairs . I went upstairs to see how I fell . I fell again .

  29. 闪光灯泵浦染料激光器PTM运转的能量转移特性

    Energy transfer characteristics of a flashlamp pumped dye laser in PTM operation

  30. 同轴型XeCl准分子闪光灯

    A Coaxial XeCl Excimer Flashlamp