
  • 网络lighting source;illumination;illumination source;Illumination lamp
  1. LED作为一种绿色环保的照明光源与常规照明光源相比较,具有低功耗、高可靠性和长寿命等一系列优点。

    As a green illumination source , LED ( Light Emitting Diode ) is lower power consumption , higher reliability and longer life-span than common illumination source .

  2. 作为新一代绿色照明光源,它在照明领域的市场也初具规模并逐渐扩大。

    As a new generation illumination source , it has a fast growing market size in illumination area .

  3. 固体照明光源-白光LED的研究进展

    Solid state lighting-recent progress in research of white light emitting diodes

  4. 夜视照明光源LED照明光源前景展望

    Night Vision Illuminating Light Source The Vigorous Future of LED Illumination

  5. LED照明光源前景展望LED光源模型研究

    The Vigorous Future of LED Illumination Research on LED Lighting Source Model

  6. 白光LED是一种新型的固体照明光源。

    White LED is a new-style solid state light source .

  7. 绿色照明光源LED的控制策略

    Tactic of Control Green Illumination Light Source - LED

  8. LED半导体照明光源在情景照明中的应用

    Application of LED Semiconductor Light Source in Scene Illumination

  9. 白光发光二极管(LED),作为新一代半导体照明光源正在引发一场照明革命。

    Recently , white-light emitting diode ( LED ) is triggering a revolution of general illumination .

  10. 用CCD实现照明光源颜色的快速测量

    Fast measurement of the color of light source with CCD

  11. 白色LED照明光源

    Light sources of white LED

  12. LED芯片激发荧光粉合成白光照明光源显色性的控制

    Color Rendering Property Control Methed on White Lighting Source Synthesized by Phosphor Excitated by Blue LED Chip

  13. 白光LED被称作第四代照明光源,有着庞大的市场,同时YAG:Ce荧光粉也成了研究热点。

    White-light emitting diode is mentioned as the forth generation illuminate lamp , which has huge market .

  14. LED白光照明光源的研制

    Develop LED White Light Illuminator

  15. GaN基蓝光LED高亮度化对传统照明光源带来了很大冲击。

    The high-brightness GaN-based blue-light - emitting diodes impacts traditional illumination lamp-sources largely .

  16. LED凭其独特的优点迅速成为新一代家用照明光源的主要替代产品。

    LED by virtue of their unique advantages quickly become the new home lighting along the main alternative .

  17. 在LED的众多应用中,作为普通照明光源是最具发展前景的一项应用。LED光源高能效的特点,能够在照明节电上发挥巨大作用。

    Among the many applications of LEDs , using as a general illumination is the most prosperous application .

  18. 功率型LED是一种极具市场开发价值和社会效益的新型固态照明光源。

    Power type LED is a new solid-state lighting source , which has great market value and social benefits .

  19. LED用作节能环保的绿色照明光源已经得到广泛认可,成为业界公认的第三代照明光源。

    LED has been widely recognized as a green lighting source in favor of energy saving and environmental protection .

  20. 大功率LED作为第四代电光源取代传统的照明光源已成为主要趋势。

    As a fourth-generation high-power LED light source to replace the traditional electric lighting has become a major trend .

  21. LED灯做为一种新型的绿色照明光源,将逐渐取代荧光灯的发展位置。

    LED lights as a new type of green lighting , will gradually replace the development of the fluorescent lamp .

  22. 该系统主要由照明光源、反射锥镜、CCD相机和驱动机构组成。

    The system mainly consists of lighting lamp , reflecting prism , CCD camera and driving unit .

  23. CCD非接触测振系统由照明光源、成像系统、CCD、检测逻辑接口电路及计算机软件构成。

    It consists of light source , imagery system , CCD , logic interface circuit and computer system .

  24. GaN基发光二极管合成照明光源的开发研究

    Investigation development of synthesis lighting source GaN LED

  25. 基于白光LED照明光源的室内VLC系统

    Indoor Visible-light Communication System Based on White LED

  26. 硅衬底ZnO/GaN半导体材料生长及LED器件寿命研究LED半导体照明光源在情景照明中的应用

    Growth Study of GaN / ZnO Films on Si Substrate and Lifetime Test of LED Devices ; Application of LED Semiconductor Light Source in Scene Illumination

  27. 与传统光源相比,LED照明光源具有体积小、功耗低、寿命长、无污染等优点。

    Compared with conventional light sources , LED light source has a small size , low power consumption , long life , no pollution and so on .

  28. 白光发光二极管(LED)作为节能、环保的新型照明光源,近年来受到越来越多的关注。

    The white light emitting diodes ( LEDs ) have received increasing interests in recent years for its energy-saving and environment-friendly features on the new-type lighting sources .

  29. 夜视眼镜、微型显示器、CCD摄像机、红外照明光源等技术,是应用较为普遍的夜视技术途径。

    Technologies like night vision goggles , micro displays , CCD cameras , and infrared illuminating are the widely adopted night vision methods .

  30. LED具有寿命长、可靠性高、环保、体积小等多种优点,被称为第三代照明光源,对其进行深入有效的研究有着重大的意义。

    LED has the advantage of long-life , high reliability , environment protection , small volume and so on , and it was called new generation light source .