
rùn nián
  • leap year;intercalary year;bissextile year
闰年 [rùn nián]
  • [bissextile year] 凡阳历中有闰日(二月为二十九日)的年,或阴历中有闰月(一年有十三个月)的年;闰余(岁余置闰。阴历每年与回归年相比所差的时日)

闰年[rùn nián]
  1. 每个闰年我们都要在二月底加上一天。

    Each leap year we add that day onto the end of February .

  2. 在每个闰年里,这些时间就被加总起来成为多出来的一天。

    This time was added as an extra day during each leap year .

  3. 每四年闰年一次。

    Leap year recurs every four years .

  4. 我们发现了自然存在的“历法calendar闰年leapyear规律”和“闰年(设置闰日leapday)周期”。

    Now we have discovered the laws of the Natural Calendar and leap year and the cycle of the leap year .

  5. v.再发生每四年闰年一次,而那一年中,二月只有二十九天。

    recur Leap year recurs every four years , and in that year February has 29 days .

  6. 根据传说,圣徒Patrick于是给渴望婚姻的女性一个机会,她们可以在闰年2月的29日向男士求婚。

    According to legend , St. Patrick said the yearning females could propose on this one day in February during the leap year .

  7. 闰年每四年来一次[每四年有一个闰年]。

    The leap year comes around once in four years .

  8. 因为这一年是闰年。

    This is because it 's what we call a leap year .

  9. 《癸卯元历》闰年的特点

    The character of leap years in Gui Mao Yuan calendar

  10. 如果某一年有13个月,这一年就叫做闰年。

    The year is Appel leap year if there are13 months in the year .

  11. 2月29日是闰日;闰年是有添加日的年份。

    Feb. 29 is an intercalary day ; leap year is an intercalary year .

  12. 因此人们将有2月29日的一年称为闰年,

    Therefore a year with 29 days in February is consequently called a leap year

  13. 每个闰年二月有二十九天。

    And twenty-nine on each Leap Year .

  14. 苏格兰通过了这一项女性可在闰年向男性求婚的法律。

    Scotland passed a law allowing women to propose to men in a leap year .

  15. 每四年闰年一次,而那一年中,二月有二十九天。

    Leap year recurs every four years , and in that year February has29 days .

  16. 闰年可能有383到385天。

    A leap year can have from383to385days .

  17. 于是帕特里克做出让步,最后他们商定女子可以在闰年期间求婚。

    So , Patrick gave in and they finally agreed on allowing it during leap years .

  18. 今年是闰年,我需要考虑这一点吗?

    This is a leap year , so do I have to take that into account ?

  19. 它也用有趣的方式,将闰年的概念介绍给学生。

    It also introduces the concept of the leap year to students in an interesting way .

  20. 因为在闰年的这一天上班是没有额外报酬的。

    because no one gets paid extra for working an extra day in a leap year .

  21. 在很多地方,女人可以在闰年特定的某天向自己中意的男人求婚的.

    Actually , leap Year has been the traditional time inmany place that women can propose marriage .

  22. 如果不是闰年,二月份有多少天呢?

    If it 's not a leap year , how many days will there be in february ?

  23. 这个二月有29天的第四年被称为闰年。

    This fourth year , in which February has twenty - nine days , is called leap year .

  24. 接着,他借用了希伯来历法中一周七天和闰年的概念。

    Then , he borrowed the idea of a seven-day week and leap year from the Hebrew calendar .

  25. 闰年是对地球绕太阳运转所需时间和公历时间之差所作的调整。

    Leap years are necessary to keep our calendar in alignment with the Earths revolutions around the sun .

  26. 在希腊,每五对订婚的情侣中就要一对会竭力避免在闰年举行婚礼。

    Apparently one in five engaged couples in Greece will avoid planning their wedding during a leap year .

  27. 希腊人有一种迷信说法是新人如果在闰年结婚会带来霉运。

    There is a Greek superstition that claims couples have bad luck if they marry during a leap year .

  28. 这种方法虽然简单,但是与阴历相比,《儒略历》会造成过多的闰年。

    While simple , this rule actually created too many leap years to keep the Roman and lunar calendars aligned .

  29. 另外一个与此相似德望日子,即女子可以采取主动的时间是闰年的2月29日。

    A similar time when women can initiate aggressive action is during the leap year , when February has29 days .

  30. 帕金说,女性在闰年求婚这种习俗实际上仅仅是女性依赖于男性这种挫败感的安全门。

    The custom has really been only a safety valve for women 's frustrations at being dependent on men , Parkin said .