
jiàn jiē yuán yīn
  • Indirect causes;remote cause
  1. 文章从政府危机管理出发,分析了印度洋海啸造成众多人员伤亡和巨大财产损失的间接原因有危机发生前的监测预警不力,预防危机发生的准备不力,危机发生后的应对困难。

    The text proceed from government 's crisis management to manage , analyse the Indian Ocean tsunami lead to the fact enormous casualties and remote cause of property loss , prevent from preparation that crisis take place unfavorable , crisis replying difficult after taking place .

  2. 结论CVT病人的直接死亡原因为脑疝,间接原因为多发性脑静脉血栓和颅内多发性出血。

    Conclusion The direct death cause of CVT was cerebral hernia , while the indirect causes were multiple cerebral hemorrhage and multiple CVTs .

  3. 结论:脑梗死后8h内,Cr含量与ADC值下降的直接和间接原因均为缺血所致的细胞能量代谢障碍。

    Conclusion : Within 8h of MCAO , the direct and indirect reason of the decrease of ADC and Cr is the drawback of neural cell metabolizability .

  4. 经济因素是制约膜生物反应器(MBR)废水处理工艺发展的关键,影响经济性的真接原因是能耗,间接原因是膜受污染失效。

    Economy is the major factor hindering the development of membrane bioreactor ( MBR ) and mainly depends on membrane fouling ( indirect factor ) and energy consumption ( direct factor ) .

  5. 引发事故的间接原因是火车晚点。

    The accident was the indirect result of the train being late .

  6. 压迫是宗教产生的一个坏的间接原因

    Persecution is a Bad and indirect way to plant religion

  7. 他们认为,环境因素不是哮喘病的直接原因,而是间接原因。

    Asthma is not , they think , caused directly by environmental factors .

  8. 间接原因是社会动荡和贫穷,自然灾害加速该病的传播。

    However , the indirect causes are unstable society , poverty and natural disaster .

  9. 卖方不承担间接原因发生的损失,或由此而造成的损失。

    In no event shall the seller be liable for indirect or consequential damage .

  10. 各事故发生的直接原因各不相同,而间接原因则有一定共同之处;

    The direct and indirect causes ofthe accidents are systematically analyzed in this paper .

  11. 高强度暴雨、低的森林覆盖率和严重的水土流失,是产生洪灾的直接和间接原因。

    Great storm and small forest cover are direct and indirect reasons why flood occurs .

  12. 管理缺陷虽是间接原因,但却是事故发生的根本原因。

    Management deficiencies are indirect causes , but it is the root cause of the accident .

  13. 新闻生产部门中的女性缺席是其间接原因;

    Secondly , the absence of females from the press production section is the indirect cause ;

  14. 第二节从社会学的角度分析医患矛盾产生的直接原因和间接原因。

    Section II analyzed the direct and indirect cause of doctor-patient conflict from a sociological point of view .

  15. 这次事故的间接原因是一辆小汽车上的一个小孩有一张大嘴。

    The indirect cause of this accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth .

  16. 人口压力导致的这些冲突成为近代湖南社会解体的直接或间接原因。

    These conflicts were the immediate or indirect causes which led to disbanding of Hunan society in Modern times .

  17. 间接原因主要是东非国家内政、外交政策的不当和外部力量的干预,包括东非国家经济的缓慢发展、国内政局的动荡不安、外交关系的紧张、人口的迅猛增长和外来干涉五个方面。

    From the indirect opinion , they are mainly the muffs of municipal and foreign policies and the outer intervention .

  18. 大学生“职业迷茫”的直接原因是没有进行职业生涯规划,间接原因是人生目标不明确,根本原因是缺乏爱。

    Direct and indirect causes for technical college graduates'career bewilderment could be derived from lacking career design and implicit life goals .

  19. 渎职犯罪中,有可能间接原因行为人罪责大于直接原因行为人。

    Dereliction of duty , there may be an indirect cause of guilt of the perpetrator than the direct cause perpetrators .

  20. 中职学生人文精神的缺失,表现在诸多方面,其产生既有直接原因,也有间接原因。

    The deletions of secondary students ' humanistic spirit are shown in many aspects . The reasons are both direct and indirect .

  21. 当心点!盖伯瑞尔知道芭丝谢芭意识到她自己是这只可怜的羊受伤的间接原因。

    ' Be more careful !' Gabriel knew she was aware that she herself had indirectly caused the poor sheep 's wound .

  22. 而后运用层次分析法将财务危机的原因分为直接原因和间接原因,并指出内部原因中最重要的即是董事会治理因素。

    Then analyses the direct causes and indirect causes of financial crisis , and pointed out that the most important internal factors is the board governance .

  23. 分析了利用压缩空气压送甲苯混合物时发生爆炸事故的直接原因和间接原因,提出了相应的对策。

    This paper analyzes the direct and indirect reasons for the explosion accident using air compressor to transport the toluene , and offers the relevant counter-measures for it .

  24. 三是贫富差距带来的心理反差是产生大学生心理障碍的间接原因;

    Thirdly , the psychological contrast brought about by the discrepancy between the rich and the poor is the immediate cause of the psychological barriers among college students .

  25. 近年来某些领导干部存在的领导作风、工作作风和工作方法等问题已成为引发群体性突发事件的直接或间接原因。

    Recently , the problems in leadership style , work style and method of some leaders have become the direct or indirect reasons for " group contingencies " .

  26. 近几年,我国煤矿频发安全事故,其直接原因是人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态,间接原因主要是企业管理的缺陷。

    The frequent happenings of China 's coal mine security accidents were caused directly by people 's insecure behavior and goods'insecure state , and indirectly by enterprises'management drawback .

  27. 在事故原因方面,安全管理、安全教育等间接原因略高于直接原因。

    In the aspect of accident cause factor , the indirect reasons , such as the safety management , the safety education and so on is higher than the immediate causes slightly .

  28. 文章认为,社会资源的稀缺性与公共权力的客观存在为腐败提供了客观条件,是腐败产生的间接原因;

    The article thinks that , the scarcity of social resources and the existence of public right provide corruption with the basic conditions , and these are the indirect causes of corruption ;

  29. 本论文从百货行业的现状入手,分析了造成同质化经营的直接原因、间接原因和根本原因。

    In this paper , starting from the present status of the department store industry , the direct causes , indirect causes and intrinsic causes which result in the homogenized operation are analyzed .

  30. 其中,地理位置是草坪杂草分布差异的间接原因,杂草种类的多少及每种杂草的数量与管理水平有直接的关系。

    The number of weed species occurred and population size of each weed species depended directly on the management of the turf , whereas the turf location played the secondary effects on the weeds .