
  • 网络half-interval contour;Effect-Time curve
  1. 对于3种有机调节剂(甲醇、乙醇和乙腈),lgk′IAM与φ间曲线截距相同,但斜率有显著差别。

    Intercepts of fitted straight lines between lg k ′ IAM and φ were comparable but slopes were much different for the three organic modifiers ( acetonitrile , ethanol and methanol ) .

  2. 另一个与胎儿性别有关的神话是:腰、臀间曲线明显的妇女会生女孩;反之,曲线较不明显的则会生男孩。

    Another myth surrounding the sex of a baby says that curvy women have girls and less curvy women have boys .

  3. 树干呼吸速率与树干温度具有显著幂指数关系,同时表现出大径阶树干呼吸速率与温度因子间曲线拟合效果好于小径阶红松。

    The stem respiration rate had an exponential relationship with stem temperature , and the curve exponential regressions for stem respiration rate and temperature factor of trees with big DBH were better than those with small DBH .

  4. 杏各品种的WUE日变化总体表现为上午最高、中午最低、下午较高的凹型曲线,但品种间在曲线变化和日均值方面也存在差异。

    The diurnal variation of WUE was a concave curve with the highest in the morning , the lowest at noon and high in the afternoon .

  5. 其中,轮虫种群增长率与食物浓度间呈曲线相关;

    The relationship between the population growth rate and the food concentration was curvilinear correlation .

  6. 文中提出了一种用低次代数样条曲线来插值平面上有序数据点列或者构造用多种方法表示的两曲线段间过渡曲线的一种方法。

    A method for curve modeling with algebraic spline curve is introduced in this paper .

  7. 控制2个锚点间的曲线肯定要比控制12个锚点间的曲线要容易的多。

    Controlling a curve between two nodes is much easier than changing a curve with twelve nodes .

  8. 在分析类间方差曲线特征的基础上,提出了一种二分逼近型快速最大类间方差算法。

    A fast half-approximation algorithm of Otsu 's method was presented based on the curve of the between-class variance .

  9. 因为,两点只能决定一条直线,而在两点间的曲线可用无限多的三次多项式近似。

    Because only two points a straight decisions , and in between the two curves can be used an infinite number of cubic polynomial approximation .

  10. 通过该模型导出了谷粒损伤率为1%时压力峰值与加载循环次数间关系曲线。

    The relationship between the maximum of pressure and number of the load cycles was obtained when injury percentage of rice grain is equal to 1 % .

  11. 因此,可以选择合适的σ,使得节点间的曲线为最短,既能消除可能出现的多余拐点,又能保持曲线的光滑性。

    Therefore , an appropriate value of σ can be selected to minimize the length of curve segment between junction points , which can not only smooth the curve effectively but also remove the unnecessary points of inflection .

  12. 给出了由轨道半长轴确定空间两点间圆锥曲线转移轨道的方法,随后给出了一种固定发射时刻和转移时间的情况下利用半长轴迭代的圆锥曲线转移轨道求解算法。

    A method determining conic transfer trajectory between two points in space by a fixed semi-major axis was given . An arithmetic solving conic transfer trajectory by iterating semi-major axis with a specified launch time and transfer time was given .

  13. 采集界面主要实现了实时控制图像产生板产生图像源信号,并使之与采集电路协调工作,程序对响应曲线采集过程精确控制,保证采集到连续且同步的不同灰度等级间响应曲线;

    The captured interface sets the parameters and controls the image generation board real-time and triggers the DAQ card to capture response curve harmoniously . The collection process is controlled accurately so that we can get the response curve continuously and synchronously between different gray levels as requirements .

  14. MCE的A·β值与放射微球所测MBF高度一致和相关,缺血和梗塞区触发间隔声强度曲线与灌注MRI时间信号强度曲线表现一致。

    The time intensity curves of MCE and perfusion MRI in ischemic and infarcted regions showed more consistency .

  15. 8m岩锚及10m岩锚锚头位移与拉拔力之间关系曲线为指数递增曲线,12m岩锚拉拔力与锚头位移间呈高斯曲线关系。

    Relationship curve between pulling stress and displacement of anchor end assumes positive exponential curve for 8 and 10 meter long cable and assumes Gaussian curve for the 12 meter one .

  16. 给出了中、美两国铜消费指标与GDP间的关系曲线;中国1960-2004年间单位GDP的铜消费量并未形成明显的上升或下降趋势;

    The indexes of copper consumption , such as total copper consumption , copper consumption per unit GDP and copper consumption per person , and GDP including GDP per person for China and USA were calculated , and some curves reflecting the relationship between copper consumption and GDP were resulted .

  17. 通过对其过程控制方程的分析得出了影响床内气粒两相间传热Nu数、传质Sh数的无因次运行参数,进而将实验结果整理为更加科学的无因次相似准则间的关系曲线。

    From the analyse of the process controlling equations , the dimensionless parameters which affect the Nu number and the Sh number in CFB were obtained , and the experimental dates were further processed to be the more scientific relationship curves of all these dimensionless parameters .

  18. 利用1MeV脉冲电子加速器的电子束对铝合金试件进行轰击,得到了熔化材料的喷射冲量与电子束轰击能量间的拟合曲线。

    Aluminum samples are bombarded by an electron beam produced by an 1 MeV pulse electron accelerator and the experimental fit curve between electron beam energy density and the blow-off impulse of aluminum target is obtained .

  19. 双重孔隙介质井间干扰样板曲线研究

    Study of pressure interference between wells in double porosity media with type-curves

  20. 井间示踪剂产出曲线自动拟合方法

    Automatic matching for interwell tracer production curve

  21. 非线性动力系统中两鞍-结分岔点间非稳定曲线的确定

    A Method of Following the Unstable Path Between Two Saddle - Node Bifurcation Points in Nonlinear Dynamic System

  22. 文中导出了计算直流电机换向器片间电压分布曲线的基本公式和试验验证;

    Basic formulas for the calculation of bar to bar voltage distributing curve of DC motor commutator are derived and test-verified .

  23. 通过输入弹、靶普通参数及碰撞的基本条件,计算程序即可给出各基本参量间的关系曲线。

    Further , programs can draw some curves after receiving some essential factors of impacting and common parameters of rod and target .

  24. 结果表明:印楝种源间光响应曲线因叶龄和冠层部位的不同而呈现不同的特征格局;

    The results showed that light response curves of the four provenances exhibited different characteristics with different aged leaves and positions within the tree crowns .

  25. 最后,给出了四个具体实例以及寿命与结构参量间的关系曲线,说明定量计算结构的耐久性是可能的。

    At last , four examples and the relative curves between the structure lifetime and structure parameters are given , which prove that it is possible to calculate the durability of structures quantitatively .

  26. 同时通过明显提高固定床层高度下的洗脱实验研究,优化了米格列醇与N-羟乙基葡萄糖胺间的洗脱曲线,建立了洗脱动力学模型,归纳了组分间的分离规律。

    The elution curves of miglitol and N-hydroxyethyl glucosamine are obviously optimized by prolonging the stacking height in the fixed bed , establishs elution kinetic model and summarizes the separation law of the matters .

  27. 气力输送试验装置测控系统的试验结果表明:系统能自动采集气力输送的运行参数信号,对检测到的信号进行自动分析处理,显示参数间的关系曲线。

    The results of experiment on pneumatic conveying experimental rig show : the parameters signal of pneumatic conveying system can be automatically acquired and analyzed in the developed measurement and control system . The curve of relationship among the parameters can be displayed also .

  28. 根据燃气发动机和同步发电机的运行特性建立了机组的机理数学模型,然后利用神经网络对有限试验结果进行拟合得到机组输入输出参数间的关系曲线,用拟合关系曲线对机理数学模型参数进行修正。

    Firstly , the mechanism model is deduced base on the operating characteristics of natural gas engine and synchronous generator . Then , according to the limited test results , the relationship curves of input and output parameters are gained by artificial neural network calculating .

  29. 编制的计算机控制界面具有良好的人机交换性,可绘制力、位移、电流随时间的变化曲线以及相互间的关联曲线,便于现场对闭锁器的检测结果进行实时分析,满足了在线检测要求。

    The designed computer control interface with good man-machine interactive can draw force , displacement , current changing with time curves and the mutual correlation curve , which was convenient for field real-time analysis for results of locking device and met the requirements of on-line detection .

  30. 从基本电路的分析出发,推出了补偿后的输出电压、平顶峰值电压、峰值电压出现时间以及平顶时间同电压补偿系数k和放电时间常数比λ间关系式和曲线族。

    The formulas for output voltage , peak voltage , peak voltage time and flat top duration are derived from the analysis of the basic circuit , and a set of curves is given .