
  • 网络damping ratio
  1. 福州常规土类动剪变模量与阻尼比的试验研究

    Testing Study on Dynamic Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio of Conventional Soils in Fuzhou

  2. 原状花岗岩风化残积粘性土在地震荷载作用下的动弹性模量和阻尼比

    Dynamic Elastic Modulus and Damping Ratio of Weathered Granite Residual Cohesive soil Affected by Earthquake

  3. 带TMD结构的大阻尼比复振型叠加反应谱法

    Complex mode superposition-response spectrum method with large damping ratio for structures with TMD

  4. 通过ANSYS模拟分析得出的型钢混凝土构件的阻尼比位于0.041至0.043区间内。

    From the simulation analysis of ANSYS sofeware , the damping ratio value of the steel reinforced concrete component is between 0.041 and 0.043 .

  5. 分别计算了系统随阻尼比和激励频率变化的最大Lyapunov指数图。

    The plots of the maximum Lyapunov exponent with respect to the damping ratio and the excitation frequency are given respectively .

  6. 但是,FDMTMD存在近零最优平均阻尼比。

    However , FD-MTMD is found to have the near - zero optimum average damping ratio .

  7. 提出了多自由度(MDOF)密集模态系统阻尼比辨识的一种方法。

    A method of damping identification of closely-space MDOF system is presented .

  8. 通过刚度比Rk和阻尼比Rc的变化,对脉动风载作用下影响结构体系响应的重要因素附加柱刚度和附加阻尼器阻尼进行研究。

    Impacts of additional columns stiffness and additional dampers , which are the important factors to the structural system under pulsating wind , are analyzed through changes of stiffness ratio and damper ratio .

  9. 阻尼比、后期刚度对R的影响是第二位的,而且只在短周期范围内比较明显。

    It is found that the most important factor in determining R is the ductility , while both damping and the post yield stiffness have a minor effect in the short period range .

  10. 然而,LT&TMD比传统的TMD具有更大的最优调谐频率比和更小的最优阻尼比。

    However , LT-TMD needs higher optimum tuning frequency ratio and lesser optimum damper ratio with reference to traditional TMD .

  11. 本文给出了三种以单自由度线性隔振体系的传导比确定其刚度系数k和阻尼比ξ的方法,并给出了每种方法的算例。

    In the paper we give three kinds of method to determine rigidity factor k , damping ratio ξ with transmission ratio of single freedom-degree linear vibration isolation system . We also present each calculation example .

  12. 天然橡胶支座(LNR)的等效阻尼比试验研究

    Test study on the equivalent damping ratio of linear natural rubber bearings

  13. 利用Excel对研制的偏心振动式排种系统的固有频率、阻尼比、幅值特性、相位特性及动态响应特性等特性参数进行了模拟分析。

    The characteristic parameters of damped frequency , relative damping ratio , amplitude-time response , phase-time response , and dynamic response of the eccentric vibration seed-metering system were simulated with Excel .

  14. MSW的动剪切模量Gd和阻尼比D随着动剪应变γd的变化曲线与泥炭土的相关曲线形状基本一致,并且在相同应变时数值相差不大。

    It is concluded that the relationships of dynamic shear modulus and damping ratio versus dynamic shear strain of MSW are similar to those of peaty soil .

  15. 本文通过数学力学分析,得出了转动部件低速转动时临界运动均匀性系数AC与运动系统阻尼比ξ的关系。

    Through the analyses of mathematics and mechanics this paper obtained a relationship between the uniformity coefficient AC of critical movement and the damping ratio ξ of motion system while the rotating parts revolve at low speed .

  16. 通过最优搜寻得不同刚度比R时TMD最优调谐频率比、最优阻尼比和相应的Min。

    In light of the criterion and considering the different stiffness ratio R , one obtains the TMD optimum tuning frequency ratios and damping ratios as well as the corresponding values of Min.

  17. ITD(IbrahimTimeDomain)模态识别方法可不用输入系统的信息就识别系统的模态参数,但识别的模态参数常常很不精确,且阻尼比的识别精度很差。

    ITD ( Ibrahim Time Domain ) method can identify structural modal parameters without structural input information , but results of ITD identification are often inaccurate and damping factors of ITD identification are very bad .

  18. 同时本文结合ANSYS对钢筋混凝土结构的有限元模拟分析,提出较为合理的基于变形的钢筋混凝土结构阻尼比的表达式。

    At the same time , this paper put forward an reasonable expression of the damping ratio based on the deformation of the reinforced concrete structure based on the finite element analysis of reinforced concrete structures with ANSYS .

  19. 饱和砂剪切模量和阻尼比在GZ-1型共振柱仪上的测定

    Determination of Shear Modulus and Damping Ratio for Saturated Sand by GZ-1 Resonant-Column Apparatus

  20. 用ITD法计算出桥梁的固有频率和阻尼比,并和理论值进行比较。

    The inherent frequency and damping ratio of bridge is calculated by the way of ITD , and compared with the theoretical result .

  21. 本文指出了利用MEM谱值比较求多自由度结构模态阻尼比方法的一些不足。

    In this paper , the method of determining damping ratio by comparing MEM spectrum is discussed and the shortcoming of this method is pointed out .

  22. 利用GDS三轴仪对工程场地内的原状土样进行了室内动力试验,获得了各主要土层的动弹性模量与阻尼比。

    The shear modulus and damp ratio characteristics of typical strata are achieved in the dynamic test , based on GDS triaxial dynamic system .

  23. 通过理论推导和算例验证得到:一般情况下,GLS和DLS算法均可提高阻尼比的识别精度,且前者的识别结果优于后者。

    Theory and examples calculated show that GLS and DLS can enhance accuracy of damping factors and former results are better than the latter .

  24. 本文利用复形调优法进行TMD参数设计的优化计算,研究在满足结构最小均方位移条件下,对于给定质量比的调质阻尼器的最优参数,即最优频率和最优阻尼比。

    In this paper , by using complex configuration optimization method , we calculate the optimum parameters for a given mass TMD to meet the condition of minimum variance of displacement .

  25. 利用循环三轴试验对不同降解度的MSW进行动力试验试验研究,得出了动剪切模量、阻尼比参数规律。

    We study the different degrees of degradation of MSW in using cyclic triaxial test , define different dynamic shear modulus , damping ratio parameters , and provide the basis for the dynamic model .

  26. 根据振动等能量准则,由地震动力能量方程推导了单自由度(SDOF)弹性体系的地震最大位移反应与阻尼比的关系。

    This paper studies the relation between the maximum displacement response and the damping ratio based on the energy equation of single degree of freedom ( SDOF ) elastic systems .

  27. 通过最优搜寻可得MTMD的最优频率间隔、平均阻尼比、调谐频率比和相应的无量纲控制有效性指标。

    Through the optimum searching , one may obtain the optimum frequency spacing , average damping ratio , tuning frequency ratio , and corresponding index representing the control effectiveness of MTMD .

  28. 使用频域分解技术(FDD)和时域随机状态子空间辨识技术(SSI)分别从加速度响应数据提取了堆垛机的工作模态参数,包括固有频率、阻尼比和模态振型。

    These techniques include Frequency Domain Decomposition ( FDD ) and Stochastic Subspace Identification ( SSI ) . Vibration testing and modal analysis of a lane stacker under operational conditions were taken .

  29. 采用MonteCarlo随机有限元方法,对多自由度线性振动系统中由于结构参数的随机变异而引起的模态参数(模态频率、模态振型和模态阻尼比)变异的规律进行了研究。

    The variation of modal parameters is caused by random variation of structural parameters in linear vibration of multiple-degree-of-freedom system . The variable rules of modal parameters including modal frequency , mode and modal damping ratio are studied by means of Monte-Carlo stochastic finite element method .

  30. 时域分析中,通过对两种情况下电磁功率曲线和功角曲线进行Prony分析,对比发现在计及原动机与调速器模型之后,系统的阻尼比都无一例外地得到了增大。

    In time-domain analysis , the conclusion that the prime mover and governor model will increase the damp of system is verified through the Prony analysis of electromagnetic power curve and power angle curve .