- polymerization inhibitor

The industrial application of domestic polymerization inhibitor RIPP-1403 on Chemical Works No.1 of Yanshan Petrochemical Corporation was introduced , and application effect as well .
Application of Polymerization Inhibitor HK-17A in Coking Crude Benzene Hydro-refining Process
The storage time could be prolonged by adding retarder .
Free Radical Grafting of Styrene-Butadiene Block Copolymer with Butylacrylate in the Presence of Oxygen and Inhibitor
The Effect of Grafting Copolymerization of BA onto SBS in the presence of Oxygen Inhibitor and Antiager
Determination of trace inhibitor tertiary butyl catechol in BR recovered solvent oils
The effect of inhibitors on grafting yield in the system of AA and SSS radiation-induced grafting onto HDPE
Effects of grafting conditions , such as absorbed dose , Volume fraction of monomer , inhibitor ( Cu2 + ) concentration , and pH of the grafting solution on degree of the grafting were investigated .
Synthesis of a new type of polymerization inhibitor DNBP by one step catalytic nitration
The result showed that inhibitor ZC can achieve the level of import product , and can substitute it in industrial equipment .
We have synthesized demulsifier of acrylic acid series with method of copolymerization , and studied the factors of influence for reaction as to temperature , dosage of solvent , time , dosage of monomer , dosage of solicitation , dosage of pH regulator , have or not polymerization inhibitor .
Cinnamic acid was synthesized by Perkin reaction with anhydrous potassium carbonate as alkaline catalyst and PEG-400 as phase transfer catalyst and 4-hydroxyanisole as polymerization inhibitor .
The results showed that TDI trimer was attained when the reaction temperature was 35 ℃, the dosage of K-1000 was 0.06 % , and benzoyl chloride was used as inhibitor .
The influence of types and content of catalyst , inhibitors , reaction time , the mole ratio of carboxylic group and epoxy group , and GMA content on reaction conversion rate and double bond retention is discussed .
It was found that at the condition of the molar ratio of 6 ∶ 1 , reaction time of 4h , the dosage of catalyst and inhibitor of 1.5 % and 0.15 % , the yield of TEGDMA of 95.77 % was gained .
New silicone flame retardant potting compound was prepared by blending of LTV silicone rubber as base gum with diluent , crystalline quartz filler , chain extension agent , crosslinking agent , inhibitor , carbon black and platinum catalyst .
The preparation of adhesive ZY-902 used for crystal material was introduced . The effects of basic resin , initiator , stabilizing inhibitor and accelerator on the product 's properties were discussed , and these properties were compared with UV curable adhesive ' s.
The appropriate reaction condition are : N_2 , irradiation dose over 50 kGy , reaction temperature 65 ℃, reaction time 3 h , monomer concentration 30 % , medium H_2O , polymerization inhibitor'concentration 0.8 g , DVB 's concentration 5 mL.
The operating period is prolonged to over 450d from the original 60d after the new polymerization inhibitor JD-249 is used in butadiene extraction plant , the amount of 3 kinds of chemicals is also greatly decreased , and the economical results are remarkable .
Polymerization Inhibitor HK-17A , which was applied in the raw material evaporation process of crude benzene hydro-refining equipment , reduced the slag in the pre-evaporator and excessive evaporator effectively . Practice proves that the effect of this polymerization inhibitor to coking crude is obvious .
Application of inhibitors for cracking C_5 fractions in the separation process
Analysis of mixed inhibitors in the system of acrylate and methacrylate
Preparation and application of an inhibitor of polymerization of formaldehyde
The amount of inhibitor hydroquinone had little effect on reaction rate .
Preparation and Application of Polymerization Inhibitor in Equipment of Butadiene
Study on synthetic procedure of 2,6 - dinitro - P - cresol
A study on modern light retarder & nitroxyl oxides of free radical
The research progress in polymerization inhibitors for styrene rectification
Study and Manufacture of Inhibitor for Butadiene Extraction Production
Selection and application of polymerization inhibitor in ethylene plant