
  • 网络ADONIS;Andrew Adonis;Adonais
  1. 《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》是透纳比较重要的油画作品之一。

    Among the more important Turner oils was ' Venus and Adonis ' .

  2. 阿芙罗狄蒂爱阿多尼斯胜过爱别的任何人,因为他是一个精神抖擞、生气勃勃的少年猎手。

    Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did anybody else , for he was a brisk , lovely young hunter .

  3. 作家安德鲁•阿多尼斯(AndrewAdonis)说,伦敦需要解决的问题,除了住房还是住房。阿多尼斯是伦敦人,工党成员,已受封贵族。

    The problem London needs to solve , says Andrew Adonis , Londoner , Labour peer and writer , is , Housing , housing , housing .

  4. 这部影片以当代费城为背景,透过阿多尼斯·奎迪(AdonisCreed)的眼睛探索这座城市生机勃勃的黑人文化。阿多尼斯找到年迈体衰的洛奇指导自己。

    Set in present-day Philadelphia , the film would explore the city 's vibrant black culture through the eyes of Adonis Creed , who seeks out an aged and ailing Rocky to train him .

  5. 阿芙罗狄特爱阿多尼斯胜过爱别的任何人。

    Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did anybody else .

  6. 亲爱的阿多尼斯,难道你背负了爱的诅咒?

    Poor Adonis , ain 't you cursed by the goddess of Love ?

  7. 阿多尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年。

    Adonis n.A strikingly beautiful youth loved by aphrodite .

  8. 她是乌拉诺斯与赫墨拉之女,后与阿多尼斯结婚。

    Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis .

  9. 阿多尼斯勋爵透露英国高铁计划

    Lord Adonis to reveal high speed rail plans

  10. 他特别的外貌就像希腊神话中阿多尼斯的形象。

    He has a special appearance bringing up the image of Adonis from Greek myth .

  11. 他站在厨房的中间,又变成了一尊阿多尼斯的雕像,心不在焉地向后窗外看去。

    He stood in the middle of the kitchen , the statue of Adonis again , staring abstractedly out the back windows .

  12. 莎士比亚最卖钱的作品不是他的剧作,而是他少有人知的情诗《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》,这首诗在男生中间大受欢迎。

    Shakespeare 's bestselling work in his lifttime was not a play , but the now little-known erotic poem Venus and Adonis , particularly popular with ( male ) students .

  13. 经过一番口舌之争,他们达成协议:阿多尼斯每年可以到阳间和阿佛洛狄忒相聚半年,但剩下的六个月得到天堂渡过。

    After much dispute an agreement was worked out under which Adonis was to spend half the year above ground with Aphrodite , but the remaining six months in the elysian fields .