
fù jiā zhí
  • added value
  1. 用DTA、XRD和SEM分析了该材料的晶相和显微结构,并对其主要理化性能进行了测试,为综合利用尾矿资源生产高附加值产品开辟了一条途径。

    Phase identification and microstructure examination was done using DTA , XRD and SEM . Major physical and chemical properties of the glass-ceramics were tested . A new way is started for developing high added value products from comprehensive utilization of the metallic tailings .

  2. 汽车产业作为资本和技术密集型的产业,产业链长,关联产业广,附加值高。

    Automobile industry as a capital and technology-intensive industry , it is related to a long industrial chain and high added value .

  3. 相对优势正转移向高附加值行业。

    Comparative advantage is shifting to high value-added sectors .

  4. 生产高科技含量、高附加值的产品是企业在竞争中取胜的必由之路。

    Producing product with high technology and accessional value is the inevitable choice of any enterprise .

  5. 附加值(ValueAdded)是附加价值的简称,是在产品的原有价值的基础上,通过生产过程中的有效劳动新创造的价值。

    Value Added , called additional value for short . On products ' original value , it is a new value from valid labor in production process .

  6. 企业价值评估的新方法&经济附加值(EVA)

    A New Method to Assess Enterprise Value & Economic Value Added ( EVA )

  7. PET的改性应向着高性能化、高功能化、高附加值的方向发展。

    The modification of PET should face to the direction of high performance , high function and high additional value .

  8. EVA(EconomicValueAdded的缩写,一般译为经济附加值)是企业管理、财务会计的一个新名词,也是企业价值评估的一种新方法。

    EVA is a new term in enterprise management and financial accounting . It is also a new method to assess enterprise value . EVA is the abbreviation for Economic Value Added .

  9. 因此,维生素C改性对扩展其使用范围,增加其附加值,缓解产能过剩有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it is of great significance to modify vitamin C , so as to expand its usage , to increase its added value , and to alleviate overcapacity crisis as well .

  10. 基于LNG的特点海上运输需要特种船舶,这种船舶具有高技术、高危险、高附加值的特点。

    Based on the characteristics of LNG maritime transport need special ship that ship with high-tech , high-risk and high value-added features .

  11. 这部分以作业管理与经济附加值(EVA)、平衡计分卡(BSC)的自然结合为例说明。

    It is illustrated by combining the ABM with Economic Value Added ( EVA ) and the Balanced scorecard ( BSC ) .

  12. 然而随着塔塔公司在高附加值咨询业务的进军,很多公司像IBM和惠普也都试图推进塔塔传统的外包下游业务。

    But as it pushes up into high-value consulting , several of them such as IBM and HP are trying to capture more work by moving downstream into TCS 's traditional outsourcing territory .

  13. 利用微生物合成具有高附加值生物材料PHA是当前的研究热点。然而PHA合成过程中原料成本居高不下一直制约其发展。

    It is a hotspot that value-added utilization of PHA from biosynthesis , however the high cost of raw materials has restricted its development .

  14. 如果在表单中将ReaderNames字段设置为单个值,后来又决定添加其他值,那么可以通过编写添加这些附加值的代理来实现上述操作。

    If you make your Reader Names field single value in your form , and then later decide to add additional values , you may do so by writing an agent that adds these extra values .

  15. 而C5馏分作为一种宝贵的资源,可以生产一系列高附加值的化工产品。

    As a precious resource , C5 fraction can be used to produce a serious of chemical products with high added value .

  16. RH作为炼钢与连铸之间的重要精炼设备之一,能很大程度上提高钢水质量,满足大批量生产高附加值产品的要求。

    As one of the important refining equipments between steelmaking and continuous casting , RH can improve steel quality largely and meet the demand of mass production of high additional value .

  17. 钢铁行业在目前的产业结构调整中,将着重发展高附加值、高性能的产品,这就使得H公司的冷轧薄板项目在当前具有极其重要的意义。

    Adjustment is being carried out in the iron and steel industry and focus has been put on those products with high value and high quality . All this has attached great importance to the project of cold rolling plate in H Company .

  18. 随着薄板坯连铸连轧技术(TSCR)的迅速发展,开发新品种,提高产品附加值已成为TSCR技术发展的一个重要方向。

    With the rapid development of Thin Slab Casting and Rolling process ( TSCR ), to develop new grade and high-value added steel become a new requirement .

  19. 然而我国的高附加值弹性并列复合纤维仍需进口,造成这一现象的原因在于用于弹性并列复合纤维生产的喷丝板(以下内容称为T4板)完全依赖于进口。

    However , in our country , slap-up and high added value paratactic composite fiber mainly depends on importation , the main reason is that the spinneret ( that spinneret will be named T4-spinneret in this thesis ) .

  20. 国内同行近年来都越来越重视船舶改装的订单以及相应的技术和市场的发展趋势,FPSO的改装项目对船厂来说,将意味着更高的技术含量和附加值。

    Resent year , importance of orders for ship refitting and relevant developing trend on technology and market are more and more attached . For shipyards , refitting of FPSO means higher additional value of technical content .

  21. 为了生产高附加值的洁净钢水,首钢第三炼钢厂利用LF-VD生产一些具有较高要求的特殊钢种。

    In order to produce the clean steel , some steel grades with special requirement can be produced by LF-VD in No. 3 Steelmaking Plant of Shougang .

  22. 以高附加值蛋白质的分离、纯化为背景,将超临界抗溶剂(SAS)沉淀技术与传统的有机溶剂沉淀法相结合,形成了用加压CO2从混合溶剂中沉淀蛋白质的新型分离方法。

    On the background of the separation and purification processes of high-value protein products , supercritical antisolvent ( SAS ) precipitation technology was integrated with conventional precipitation of organic solvent , thus a new separation process of precipitation of proteins in mixed solvent using compressed carbon dioxide was formed .

  23. OPTIM纤维具有与羊绒相似的特性,它对利用羊毛资源,提高羊毛产品的附加值,满足人们服用性能的要求以及保护生态环境有很大意义。

    OPTIM fiber is an unprecedented break-through in creating new nature fiber with means of high-tech , shares similar characteristics of cashmere . It has a great significance in utilizing wool , promoting products with high added-value while healthily satisfying people 's growing need and protecting our eco-environment .

  24. EIU的研究显示,虽然中国纺织业正以每年6%的速度萎缩,但就电脑产品和有附加值的产品而言,中国仍然是制造业中心,而总体的零售业和服务业就更不用说了。

    While EIU research showed that the textile sector in China was shrinking at an annual rate of 6 per cent a year , China remains the hub for manufacturing of computer products and value-added goods , not to mention retail and services in general .

  25. 价格:分层定价,发掘服务附加值。

    Price : layered pricing , excavate the service added value .

  26. 经济附加值模型和高科技股值的评估

    Economic Value Added Model and the Appraisal of High-Tech stock Worth

  27. 钢渣高附加值利用模式分析

    Research on high - added - value utilization of steel slay

  28. 粉煤灰资源特性及其高附加值综合利用研究分析

    Research on resource character and value-added synthetic utilization of fly ash

  29. 浅议高附加值快速消费品物流

    On Logistics of Fast Moving Consumer Goods with High Additional Value

  30. 积极发展我国的高附加值船舶

    Actively Developing the High - Value - Added Vessels in China