
fù jiā ɡōnɡ nénɡ
  • additional function
  1. 全自动注塑机PC控制改造及附加功能单元的软件处理方法

    PC control improvement on fully-automatic injection mold and software processing methods of additional function unit

  2. 此方法可以作为附加功能引入到ECDIS系统中,完善其系统功能,更好地为船舶航运生产服务。

    This method can be introduced to ECDIS as an additional function , to improve ECDIS function , to perfect ECDIS function , and to make the service of ECDIS for ships better .

  3. 不过,在试用了Protect三个月后,我还是挺喜欢那些附加功能。

    Still , after using the Protect for three months , I appreciate the additional features it incorporates .

  4. 如果使用第二种选择,就可以使用2DAPI的所有附加功能。

    If it uses the second option , then any of the additional capabilities of the2D API can be used .

  5. 最后的一篇文章将介绍如何使用RSA附加功能创建所介绍的工件。

    A final article will explain how to use an RSA add-on to create the artifacts introduced .

  6. 但是,Plan支持许多todo列表中的附加功能,将在以后讨论。

    Plan , however , supports a number of additional functions like todo lists , which will be described later .

  7. 很多客户已经要求了附加功能,IBMRational开发团队正在这个领域中添加功能,这将会在不久的将来发布。

    Many customers have requested additional functionality , and the IBM Rational development teams are increasing capabilities in this area , which will be released in the near future .

  8. JAXP的附加功能相当小,尤其是涉及到SAX的地方。

    JAXP 's added functionality is fairly minor , especially where SAX is involved .

  9. 缅甸缺少国际信用卡,也只能有限地接入iTunes和GooglePlay。这让智能手机难以下载各种应用,或是购买附加功能。

    The lack of international credit cards and limited access to iTunes and Google Play makes it difficult to download apps and pay for additional features .

  10. 管理已注册MBean的附加功能,由JMX代理服务执行。

    Additional functionality for managing registered MBeans is performed by JMX agent services .

  11. Teamworks编写环境有很多类似Blueprint的附加功能。

    The Teamworks authoring environment has many similarities to Blueprint with added functionality .

  12. 对于目前的Eclipse用户而言,前面对各工具的描述有效地说明了通过使用插件所取得的附加功能。

    For current Eclipse users , the description of the tools above will make sense in terms of additional functionality being achieved through the use of plug-ins .

  13. 通常这些ESB产品还有附加功能,比如它们可以将跨机构的很多Web服务捆绑在一起并提供诸如登录和消息排队这样的功能。

    These ESB products generally have additional value as they can tie together a number of Web services from across an organization and provide functionality such as logging and message queuing .

  14. 它还提供一些附加功能,可直接管理IBMCloud平台上的资源;例如,它可帮您管理实例、地址、存储卷和映像。

    Some additional functions are provided to directly manage the resources on the IBM Cloud platform ; for example , it can help you manage instances , addresses , volumes , and images .

  15. 有分析师指出,腾讯在即时通讯软件QQ的基础上推出了许多吸引青少年的附加功能。

    Tencent expanded its QQ online-chat software to offer additional features that appeal to youths , according to an Internet analyst .

  16. 彩条建立计算机直接制版(CTP)的系统可能需要比电影产生色条的附加功能。

    Color bars created for computer-to-plate ( CTP ) systems may require additional features than color bars generated for film .

  17. 此外,CLI和JDBC提供的附加功能允许对优化目标进行程序性控制,从而为应用程序提供了更大的威力。

    The additional capability provided by CLI and JDBC to allow for programmatic control of the optimize goal , give more power to applications .

  18. 用户非常支持我们,我们也相信开发人员选择Cayenne是因为它简洁的API和它提供的附加功能。

    We had strong support from the user base and we believe that developers choose Cayenne for the clean API and the additional features it offers .

  19. VMGuest和虚拟机管理程序中的内存过量使用和大页面表支持是首选的功能,内存页面共享可能是您希望考虑的一个可选的附加功能。

    Memory overcommit and large page table support in the VM guest and hypervisor are preferred features ; memory page sharing is an optional bonus feature you might want to consider .

  20. DB2LUW10.1家族的产品组合中包含不同的版本,从DB2Express-C(一个具有社区支持功能的免费DB2版本)到高级Enterprise版(按照标准配备了多个附加功能)。

    The DB2 LUW 10.1 family is comprised of different editions in its portfolio , from DB2 Express-C ( a no-charge edition of DB2 with community support ) to the Advanced Enterprise edition ( several add-on features included as standard ) .

  21. 这些附加功能还包括一些UI控件,如accordion、可排序的HTML表、scroller、工具提示和Ajaxspinneroverlays。

    The add-on also boasts some UI controls such as accordion , sortable HTML tables , scrollers , tooltips , and Ajax spinner overlays .

  22. 本文大概介绍了AptanaRadRails中的一些附加功能和改进。

    This article outlined some of the additional functionality and improvements in Aptana RadRails .

  23. (查看本文结尾的Resource部分以得到使用IBMDebuggerforAIX以及附加功能所包含的调试支持功能)。

    See the Resource section at the end of the article for links to the IBM products that provide debug support using technology included in the IBM Debugger for AIX , as well as additional capabilities .

  24. 后续的JDBC修订版已经修改了PreparedStatement接口,使该接口可以提供附加功能,本文将对附加功能进行详细探究。

    The PreparedStatement interface has been modified with subsequent JDBC revisions , providing additional functionality , which this article explores in more detail .

  25. 假设Python中的每个事物都是一个对象,您可以使用底层的str类方法来获得附加功能或直接使用字符串的序列功能。

    Given that everything in Python is an object , you can use the underlying str class methods to gain additional power or use the string 's sequence functionality directly .

  26. 正如您所看到的,forEach函数遍历数组中的每一项,然后在其上执行附加功能。

    As you can see , the forEach function takes each item in the array and performs the attached function on it .

  27. 附加功能包括画中画,视频丢失侦测,可选UTP视频输出以及电杆和墙壁安装选项。

    Additional features include picture-in-picture , video loss detection , optional UTP video outputs , and pole and wall mounting options .

  28. 对于那些仍在网络平台竭力寻找额外人才收益的公司来说,多加入这些附加功能可以帮助LinkedIn毕业生找到更大的工作归属。

    For a company that is still working hard to develop additional revenue streams on its platform , adding these extra features could help LinkedIn graduate into the bigger leagues .

  29. 本文还分别讲解了作为这五个框架的一部分或作为单独的附加功能的UI和UX增强。

    You then learned about the UX and UI enhancements that come as part of or as a separate add-on to each of the five frameworks covered in this article .

  30. 由于谷歌是安卓的开发商,因此我么可以预期在安卓的内核当中就有因特网的连接,但是由于苹果把iphone做成了万金油,电话只是一个附加功能。

    Because Google is behind Android , you can expect the platform to have internet access at its core and while Apple pushes the iPhone as a Jack of all trade that does phoning on the side .