Decorative Ceramics and the Interior Environment
China has a long ceramic culture and display of ancient ceramics in home play an important role .
Design of Decorative Ceramics
Furnishings ceramic design has been given a practical or ornamental purposes other than beyond a symbol of meaning .
The application of ceramics in modern home furnishings is being more and more attention , so the starting point of ceramic design has gradually changed .
Designer take into account not only the appearance of ceramics , but also need to consider how to give a spiritual properties of ceramic furnishings .
Since the reform and opening up , the development of the social economy in our country , the accelerated pace of worldwide social and cultural exchanges , the rise of modern ceramics in China , ceramics furnishings attracted attentions of the modern again .
Of course , the display of decorative ceramics products are not only a function of material properties , more importantly , users who live the spirit of the pursuit as the subject of the main property - a freedom beyond the physical beauty , the art of spiritual pursuit .