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  1. 本文采用现代测试技术对博罗县梅花墩春秋时期古窑址出土的陶瓷器残片进行了测试分析和工艺技术研究。

    In this paper the unearthed pottery and porcelain shards of Spring and Autumn at ancient Plum Dune Kiln site in Bolo County were examined and studied by modern testing means .

  2. 通过对古窑址的调查、考察并搜集自商代以来有代表性的青釉陶瓷标本进行分析,从形成瓷器的基本条件、原料选用、施釉方法、烧成技术等方面研究我国的瓷器起源。

    Through the investigation of ancient kiln sites and analyses of typical samples of celadon since Shang Dy-nasty , the origin of Chinese porcelains was studied from the aspects of porcelain forming coditions , raw materials , glazing methods and firing technology , etc.