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  1. 古耀州瓷着色元素的中子活化分析

    Neutron activation analysis of coloring elements in ancient Yaozhou porcelain

  2. 古徽州民居庭园中的水景艺术

    Arts of Traditional Private Home Garden Waterscapes in Hui County of China

  3. 诠释古徽州建筑的宗族观念

    Patriarchal Philosophy Embodied in Ancient Huizhou Architecture

  4. 古徽州地处安徽皖南山区.物质条件贫乏。

    Huizhou district is in the south of Anhui province and suffers from material scarcity .

  5. 皖南地处安徽的南部,古徽州的大部分地区都在皖南。

    Anhui is located in the southern part of Anhui Province , the most ancient Huizhou in Anhui .

  6. 在古徽州这片土地上以及从古徽州走出去的人之中,曾有非常著名的私人藏书家。

    On the land of ancient Huizhou and among the people of ancient Huizhcu , there were figures well-known for collecting books .

  7. 古徽州人在明清鼎盛时期创造了灿烂的徽派建筑文化,其中包括了相当独特的私家庭园水景景观的创造。

    About Ming and Qing dynasty , the people in Anhui of China create brilliant architecture culture , including special private home garden waterscape .

  8. 结果表明,出自不同窑口的古耀州瓷的胎,有着长期稳定的、集中的原料产地。

    The conclusion is that the ancient Yaozhou porcelain bodies produced by different kilns , have long shared a stable and concentrated raw material sources .

  9. 但许多年来,古徽州的女人们却把勤劳、善良、能干、坚忍与贤惠留给了她们的后辈。

    However , over the years , the women of ancient Huizhou have passed on the legacy of diligence , kindness , competence , fortitude and virtue .

  10. 江西婺源是古徽州的文化的遗存,这里曾是中国古代文化达到顶峰时期的代表,而现在这种美景正在离我们远去。

    Wuyuan , the remains of Ancient Huizhou Culture in Jiangxi Province , once the representation of the pinnacle of ancient Chinese culture , is waving us goodbye .

  11. 第六章以本人参与的陕西洋县古洋州传统商业街街区保护与更新规划为例进行了研究。

    The sixth chapter has conducted the research for the example participation by myself which the protection and the renewal plan on the Shanxi Yang County ancient Yang state traditional business street block .

  12. 本论文从皖南古村落的选址、空间规划和庭院的设计出发,与中国古典园林造园手法相比较来论述来古徽州村落的造园意识。

    This paper from the ancient villages of the site selection , space planning and garden design starting with the Chinese Classical Garden , compared to paper methods to Ancient village garden consciousness .

  13. 古徽州地处安徽省南部,包括歙县、黟县、休宁、祈门、绩溪以及今天划入江西境内的婺源六县。

    In ancient Huizhou , located in southern Anhui Province , including Shexian , Yixian County , Xiuning , Jixi , garden gate and into the territory of Jiangxi today in six counties of Wuyuan province .

  14. 这些文艺作品是古徽州文化的传承和创新,成为特定“黄山文化”的主流,不仅艺术特色鲜明,而且丰富了中华文艺宝库。

    All these cultural and artistic work are the heritages and innovations of the ancient Huizhou civilization , becoming the mainstream of the specified " mount Huangshan civilization ", which not only possess distinct artistic characters , but also add to the cultural treasure of china .

  15. 华北地台东部中寒武世张夏期附枝藻(Epiphyton)灰岩及古地理辽东复州湾中石炭世地层兼论华北地台中石炭统的划分

    Epiphyton boundstone and palaeogeography of the Middle Cambrian Zhangxia formation in the east of North China Platform