
  1. 古都洛阳的园林,是中国城市文化的精华,不仅为当时居民带来了舒适和快乐,而且对后世许多城市建设有着很大的影响。

    The gardens of the ancient capital Luoyang are the essence of Chinese urban life , not only bringing comfort and joy to the dwellers at that time but also having great impact on urban construction of later time .

  2. 巍巍中岳嵩山,武术祖庭少林寺,世界文化遗产龙门石窟,九朝古都洛阳,绵延的邙山脚下楚河汉界历史悠久,波澜壮阔的母亲河黄河源远流长。

    Wei Zhong songshan , an inquiry into the Shaolin martial arts , the World Cultural Heritage Longmen grottoes , Louyang nine North korea , ended in a clear demarcation line between the foot of Mangshan Mountain long history and magnificent mother River-long yellow river .