
  • 网络metaphorical thinking;metaphoric think;metaphorical thought
  1. 家族相似:科学类比与科学模型的隐喻思维特征

    Family Resemblance : The Metaphorical Thinking in Scientific Analogy and Scientific Model

  2. 学生英语隐喻思维能力及其发展策略

    Students ' Metaphorical Thinking Ability and Its Development

  3. 诗人用隐喻思维,隐喻存在于诗歌语言中。

    We think in metaphors and metaphors are in our language .

  4. 其次,隐喻思维和创造性也在文化中体现出来。

    Secondly , metaphorical thought and creativity is reflected in culture .

  5. 可视化是隐喻思维中信息和功能的自然扩展。

    Visualization is natural extension of information and function under metaphor thinking .

  6. 隐喻思维对艺术创作而言是极其重要的、不可缺少的。

    Metaphor for artistic creation is extremely important , indispensable .

  7. 隐喻思维差异的民族文化探源

    On Factors of National Culture Causing Differences in Metaphorical Thinking

  8. 略论文学创作中的隐喻思维

    On the Thinking in Terms of Metaphors in Literary Creation

  9. 再次,教师应培养学生的隐喻思维能力。

    Thirdly , teachers should develop the learners ' thinking way of metaphor .

  10. 论隐喻思维在商务英语教学中的运用

    Application of Metaphoric Thinking in Business English Teaching

  11. 从认知语言学角度来说,童话的特点是具有普遍的隐喻思维。

    From the cognitive linguistic point of view , metaphoric thinking characterizes fairy tales .

  12. 隐喻思维决定隐喻语言表达,隐喻语言表达影响隐喻思维。

    Meanwhile metaphorical expressions influence metaphorical thinking .

  13. 大江文学与隐喻思维

    Metaphoric Thinking and Kenzaburo Oe 's Literature

  14. 汉语习语的隐喻思维与翻译

    Metaphorical Thinking and Translation of Chinese Idioms

  15. 通感过程中的隐喻思维

    Metaphorical Thinking in the Process of Synesthesia

  16. 隐喻思维能力和英语语言能力

    Metaphor Ability and English Language Ability

  17. 本文通过通感的类比、联想、推理意义探讨了通感过程中的隐喻思维。

    This paper probes metaphorical thinking in the process of synesthesia through analogy association and reasoning .

  18. 论事物命名的隐喻思维及其相对性

    On Metaphoric Thoughts in Naming Things

  19. 写作和阅读中的隐喻思维

    Metaphoric Thinking in Writing and Reading

  20. 隐喻思维和语汇生成

    Metaphorical Thinking and Vocabulary Generation

  21. 隐喻思维与语言

    Metaphorical Thought and Language

  22. 早期人类意识中的隐喻思维对名称的产生起了关键的作用。

    The metaphorical thinking is early men 's consciousness plays a key role in the formation of designations .

  23. 因此,在写作教学中,学生隐喻思维能力的培养是必不可少的。

    As a consequence , it is essential to develop students ' metaphorical thinking ability in writing . 4 .

  24. 隐喻思维的普遍存在使鼓文化得到了扩展延伸,涉鼓词语已然成为了一个内涵丰富的文化载体。

    Metaphorical way of thinking extends the culture of drum and the words has become a rich cultural vector .

  25. 隐喻思维为计算机科学注入了新的活力,为计算机语言的发展创造了广阔的空间。

    Metaphoric thinking brings vigor to computer science and creates a new and vast horizon in the development of computer language .

  26. 英语复合词的比喻义不可能凭空而生,没有根基地构造出一个全新的概念来,它与人们的隐喻思维密切相关。

    The figurative meaning of English compound words cant be constructed without foundation and has a direct bearing on peoples metaphorical thought .

  27. 研究结果表明受试者具备隐喻思维能力并且基本能够从词语的基本意义中猜测出其隐喻意义。

    The results showed that the subjects benefit from the metaphorical thinking and can basically derive the metaphorical meanings from the basic one .

  28. 隐喻思维不仅使人们能够用词根和词缀来组合构词,还能使词语引申出其它意义。

    Metaphorical thinking can not only enable people to form words by means of roots and affixes but also expand the meanings of words .

  29. 本文以教学实践为基础,探讨隐喻思维在写作和阅读中的作用。

    Based on foreign language teaching practice , this paper discusses the important role of metaphoric thinking in the course of writing and reading .

  30. 日本人隐喻思维的普遍性决定了日语隐喻的系统性,而各种不同的认知方式则决定了不同的目标范畴。

    This universality determines the systematicity of the metaphors in Japanese , and different cognitive patterns within the system usually determine various target domains .