
  • 网络Implicit call;implicitly call;implicit invocation
  1. 用Ada异常设施实现隐式调用的体系结构

    An Approach on Implicit Invocation Architectural Style with Ada Exception Handler

  2. 基于事件的隐式调用体系结构,因其具有系统部件的松散偶合和反作用集成的特性,正受到普遍重视。

    Nowadays more and more attentions are drawn by the event - based implicit invocation architectural style , because of its loose cohesion among components and reactive integration of software system .

  3. 您只需知道,这些API是用调用该存储过程的用户的授权隐式地调用的,通常该用户也是连接到数据库的用户。

    You only need to be aware that the APIs are called implicitly with the authorization of the user who called the stored procedure ; usually that 's also the user who connected to the database .

  4. 您可以显式地或隐式地调用补偿。

    You can invoke compensation explicitly or implicitly .

  5. 如果需要直接访问JSP页面的输出流,您可能会试图通过隐式response变量调用getWriter()或getOutputStream()。

    If you need direct access to the JSP page 's output stream , it would be tempting to call getWriter () or getOutputStream () through the implicit response variable .