
  • 网络jacques;Jacque;YAK
  1. 我的狗雅克在我肩膀上流着口水。

    My dog Jacques is drooling on my shoulder .

  2. 最后,他再也无能为力了,这也正是雅克发挥作用的时候。

    Finally , he could do no more , which is where Jacques came in .

  3. 雅克尝了一个,点头称好。

    Jacques tasted one and nodded his approval

  4. 而在2001年,福特公司经受了好几个月的公众质疑之后,董事长比尔•福特开除了CEO雅克•纳赛尔。

    And Chairman Bill Ford booted CEO JAC Nasser in October 2001 after months of public disputes .

  5. 密特朗时期的文化部长雅克•朗(JackLang)发起了一场反抗英语语言霸权的斗争。

    His culture minister , Jack Lang , waged a fight against the linguistic imperialism of English .

  6. 法国哲学家让-雅克卢梭(Jean-JacquesRousseau)三个世纪前就观察到了这个带有普遍性的问题。

    The French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau perceived the common issue three centuries ago .

  7. 2005年,拉加德被雅克希拉克(JacquesChirac)召回法国,担任贸易部长。

    In 2005 she was called back to France by Jacques Chirac to become trade minister .

  8. FAO总干事雅克•迪乌夫在大会开始时曾说,现在到了开始行动的时刻。

    FAO Director General Jacques Diouf had said at the start of the conference that the time had come for action .

  9. 驻首尔的欧盟商会(EuropeanChamberofCommerce)秘书长让-雅克o格劳尔(Jean-JacquesGrauher)表示,这项法案会抑制外国对这个亚洲第三大经济体的投资。

    Jean-Jacques Grauher , secretary-general of the European Chamber of Commerce in Seoul , says the bill would damp foreign investment in Asia 's third-largest economy .

  10. 英国首相托尼•布莱尔(TonyBlair)和法国总统雅克•希拉克(JacquesChirac)是达成气候变化协议的关键人物,但两人都将在数月后离任。

    Britain 's Tony Blair and France 's Jacques Chirac were crucial to getting a climate change deal but both would be leaving office in months .

  11. 从更广泛的视角出发,巴黎HECSchoolofManagement金融和通信副教授雅克•奥利维耶(JacquesOlivier)提出,总体而言,企业教育通常是一种反周期活动。

    Taking a broader view , Jacques Olivier , associate professor of finance and communications at the HEC School of Management in Paris , argues that in general , business education tends to be a counter-cyclical activity .

  12. 身材瘦削、理着光头的瑞士建筑师雅克•赫尔佐格(JacquesHerzog)坐在巴塞尔一个安静的广场边上的办公室里,吃着干干的黑面包。

    Jacques Herzog , a thin shaven-headed Swiss architect , sits eating dry brown bread in his group 's offices off a quiet square in Basel .

  13. 诗人雅克渠莱维尔(JacquesPrévert)在谈到上世纪40年代末的圣日耳曼时表示:“或许这需要一场战争来创建一个地区。”如今,恐怖主义创建了共和国广场。

    The poet Jacques Pr é vert said of late 1940s Saint-Germain , " Perhaps it takes a war to launch a quartier . " Now terrorism has launched R é publique .

  14. 周末期间,要求国际协同行动、应对气候变化的呼声有所抬头,法国总统雅克希拉克(jacqueschirac)敦促全球领导人,加大应对温室气体排放的力度。

    Calls for concerted international action on climate change stepped up over the weekend as President Jacques Chirac of France urged world leaders to redouble their efforts on greenhouse gas emissions .

  15. 罗伯特·科金,一位61岁高龄的画家,1802年观看安德烈-雅克·加纳林(André-JacquesGarnerin)首次跳伞成功后,倍受鼓舞。

    Robert Cocking , a 61-year-old painter , was inspired when he witnessed Andr é - Jacques Garnerin perform the first successful parachute jump in 1802 .

  16. 这其中的一些理论渊源可以追溯至50年前的法国出版人和记者让-雅克•塞尔旺-施赖伯(Jean-JacquesServan-Schreiber),他在1967年出版了《美国的挑战》(TheAmericanChallenge),试图激励欧洲人反制大西洋对岸的威胁。

    Some of its intellectual roots stretch back 50 years to Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber , the French publisher and journalist , who tried to galvanise Europeans into countering the threat from across the Atlantic with the publication , in 1967 , of The American Challenge .

  17. 国际奥委会(IOC)主席雅克•罗格(JacquesRogge)承认,奥委会高层官员们曾对快餐连锁集团麦当劳(McDonald's)是否适宜继续赞助奥运会提出质疑。

    Top Olympics officials questioned whether it was appropriate to allow fast-food chain McDonald 's to continue sponsoring the Games amid mounting concern about global obesity , the International Olympic Committee president has admitted .

  18. 他曾在福特效力33年,最终担任福特总裁兼首席执行官,以粗放的风格和对成本削减的无情态度而著称,由此获得雅克利刃(JactheKnife)的绰号。

    He spent 33 years at Ford , where he became president and chief executive officer , and was renowned both for his abrasive style and ruthless attitude to cost-cutting , earning him the sobriquet of Jac the Knife .

  19. 雅克希拉克(jacqueschirac)昨日因涉嫌在担任巴黎市长期间挪用公款正式接受调查,从而成为首位作为刑事调查嫌疑人而被点名的法国前总统。

    Jacques Chirac was placed under formal investigation yesterday for embezzlement of public funds when he was mayor of Paris , making him the first former French president to be named as a suspect in a criminal inquiry .

  20. 雅克是Roc机器人公司的保险代理,他受雇调查一宗人为操控机器人的案,而在整个搜集证据和调查的过程中,他的发现将会彻底的影响到人类的未来。

    Jacq is an insurance agent for Roc robotic company . He was hired to survey a manipulation robot case , but in the whole process of collecting and investing evidences , he found that the consequence will influence the future of mankind .

  21. 尽管榜单明显偏重于英语世界国家,但每个大洲都有代表,其中包括中国编辑胡舒立和高举法国知识分子旗帜的雅克阿塔利(jacquesattali)。

    Despite an inevitable bias to the English-speaking world , there are representatives from every continent including Hu Shuli , a Chinese editor , and Jacques Attali , carrying the banner for French intellectuals .

  22. 但是,最终宣布雅克•欧迪亚JacquesAudiard's《流浪的迪潘》Dheepan获奖时,大家一致惊讶表示:“真的吗?”所有的评论员、影评人小组、内部八卦、数据统计、上帝都知道,只是少有人提及罢了。

    But when Jacques Audiard 's Dheepan was announced as the winner , the response was a collective " really ? " For all the pundits , critics ' panels , insider gossip , statistics and God knows what else , few had picked it .

  23. 心理学家埃利奥特•雅克(ElliotJaques)在1965年发明了这个词,他将其描述为“成年人遇到了人生的概念,人生就是个体在不断接近的死亡到来前度过的那段时间”。

    Coined in 1965 by Elliot Jaques , a psychologist , he described it as " the adult encounter with the conception of life to be lived in the setting of an approaching personal death . "

  24. 上月,国际奥委会(IOC)主席雅克•罗格(JacquesRogge)警告,空气污染可能迫使一些户外赛事改期举行,这给2008年8月8日奥运会开幕的倒计时一周年庆祝活动投下了阴影。

    Last month , celebrations to mark one year to go to the August 8 2008 opening of the Games were clouded by warnings from Jacques Rogge , president of the International Olympic Committee , that bad air could force changes to the timing of some outdoor events .

  25. 你们是雅克一,雅克二和雅克三。

    You are Jacques One , Jacques Two and Jacques Three .

  26. 名单安全吗?雅克二问。

    ' Is the list safe ? ' asked Jacques Two .

  27. 国际奥委会主席雅克罗格参加了仪式。

    International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge participated in the ceremony .

  28. 夫人是对的,雅克第三说。

    ' Madame is right , ' said Jacques Three . '

  29. 为马克思辩护&读雅克·德里达的马克思的幽灵

    In Defence of Marx : After Reading SPECTORS OF MARX by Derrida

  30. 雅克.拉康的思想始终以其晦涩难解著称于世。

    Jacques Lacan is very famous for his obscure and abstruse thought .