
ɡù yuán fā mínɡ
  • employee's invention;invention of an employee
  1. 对雇员发明专利权归属的再思考

    Restudy on the Ownership of the Patent Right in Service Invention

  2. 1920年,为了把妻子Josephine做饭过程中反复弄伤的手包起来防止感染,Johnson和他的雇员EarleDickson发明了世界上第一个创可贴。

    In 1920 , Johnson and Johnson employee Earle Dickson created the first bandage to cover the frequent burns and cuts his wife Josephine inflicted on herself while cooking .

  3. 为执行委托或由雇员作出的发明

    Inventions made in execution of commission or by employees