
  • 网络Chevrolet;Chevrolet Motors;chevy
  1. 之前,她曾担任美国“儿童奇迹网络”的发言人,她还与雪佛兰汽车合作发起了一个面向年轻人的R。

    She was previously a spokeswoman for Children 's Miracle Network , and she partnered with Chevrolet to sponsor a R.

  2. 杰米恩的父亲在洛杉矶管理一家雪佛兰汽车大型专卖店。

    His father managed one of L.A. 's largest Chevrolet dealerships .

  3. 凯迪拉克投入生产小型的汽车赛维利(Seville)尺寸约同于奔驰300,建立了雪佛兰汽车的平台,并成为成功的汽车品牌.

    It launched a smaller car around the size of the Mercedes-Benz 300 , the Seville , based on a Chevrolet Nova platform , which became a success for the marque .

  4. 通用用来吸引年轻顾客并满足政府燃油标准的雪佛兰汽车(Chevrolet)销量却下滑了,大肆宣传的伏特汽车(Volt)的增长速度比去年不如。

    Sales of Chevrolet cars , the ones GM needs to attract younger buyers and meet government fuel economy standards , have sagged , and the much-heralded volt is moving at a rate even slower than last year .

  5. 我的祖父在密歇根州弗林特的雪佛兰汽车工厂工作,

    My father 's father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint , Michigan .

  6. 五菱与通用汽车签有合同,为中国市场生产小型雪佛兰汽车。

    Wuling has a contract to build small Chevrolet vehicles for the Chinese market .

  7. 1918年5月通用汽车公司收购了雪佛兰汽车公司的流动资产。

    In 1918 , General Motors buys the operating assets of Chevrolet Motor Company in May .

  8. 新公司包括原来的雪佛兰汽车公司并成为控股公司。

    The new corporation includes the original Chevrolet Motor Company and becomes a holding company for auto companies .

  9. 我的祖父在密歇根州弗林特的雪佛兰汽车工厂工作,他是装配线上的一名工人。

    My fathers father worked in the Chevy plant in Flint , Michigan . He was an assembly line worker .

  10. 在那里,停放了一台自当时从美国进口的最新雪佛兰汽车。

    Parked over there a Set from at that time from the latest snow Fo orchid car of American import .

  11. 我的祖父曾在雪佛兰汽车厂工作,他曾开车带两个孩子来到安娜堡。告诉他们:你们以后要上这所大学!

    He drove his two children here to Anna Arbor , and told them : That is where you 're going to go to college .

  12. 也就是法国人送给了我们自由女神像,还有,一个法国人建立了雪佛兰汽车厂,也还有一对法国兄弟发明了电影。

    That it was France who gave us our Statue of Liberty , a Frenchman who built the Chevrolet , and a pair of French brothers who invented the movies ?

  13. 通用公司希望能够改变它汽油吞噬者的形象,为此它将在2010年推出电力驱动的雪佛兰Volt汽车。

    GM hopes to counter its image as a maker of gas guzzlers with the2010 introduction of the electric-powered Chevrolet Volt .

  14. 与此同时,通用汽车每生产一辆电动雪佛兰沃特汽车(chevyvolt),需要使用约3.2千克的稀土磁铁。

    GM , meanwhile , uses about 3.2kg of rare earth magnets in every Chevy Volt , its electric car .

  15. 周四,通用汽车宣布将投资4300万美元在密歇根建立一座锂电池组生产基地,为旗下雪佛兰Volt汽车及其他用电车型提供动力支持。

    General Motors Co said on Thursday it would invest $ 43 million to create a plant in Michigan where it will build lithium-ion battery packs for its Chevrolet Volt and other electric vehicles .

  16. 最初的目标是将铜冷却引擎运用到所有的雪佛兰分支汽车上。

    The initial target is to put the copper-cooled engine in all of Chevrolet Division 's cars .

  17. 公司计划在未来5年中推出十几款车,最终的目标是在中国推出一款雪佛兰Volt电动汽车。

    The company plans dozens of vehicle introductions over the next five years , and eventually aims to introduce a version of the Chevrolet Volt electric car in the country .

  18. 另外,雪佛兰卡马罗牌汽车(大黄蜂)在《变形金刚》中的迷人风采,也令这个老品牌得以焕发新生。

    The glamorous Chevrolet Camaro in Transformers also brought the old car brand back to life .

  19. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)正试图在全球各地推广雪佛兰(Chevrolet)汽车。

    Chevy goes global general motors ( GM ) is trying to push Chevrolet cars in countries all over the world .

  20. 雪佛兰牌正式进入汽车市场,与福特进行竞争。

    Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T.

  21. 在全球范围内销售的小型克鲁兹轿车在第一季度取代了西尔维拉多牌皮卡成为了雪佛兰最畅销的汽车。

    The small Cruze sedan , sold globally , overtook the Silverado pick-up truck in the first quarter as the brand 's top-selling vehicle .

  22. 那时,您教我学开那部道奇旧车,可我却不管您喜不喜欢,执意要开雪佛兰54那辆车。当时,我们父女俩关于雪佛兰汽车的争执也调到了最高挡。

    The Father-Daughter Duel of '54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ' 54 Chevy whether you liked it or not .