
  • 网络Citroen;Peugeot Citroen
  1. 这辆雪铁龙汽车装载着成箱的空白护照和粘贴签证邮票用的贴纸标签,于昨天早上6:30离开位于Chadderton,Gorse街的工厂,停在半英里外的LongLane。

    The Citroen van carrying boxes of blank passports and blank stickers for visa stamps left the factory in Gorse Street , Chadderton at 6:30 yesterday morning and stopped half a mile away on Long Lane .

  2. 在最近的一个下午班上,雷贝特先生及其搭挡开着他们的雪铁龙汽车,刚刚开始在街道上巡逻。这时,他们发现了当天的第一个违规行为:非法乱倒垃圾。

    On their recent afternoon shift , Mr. Rebete and his partner had just begun patrolling the streets in their compact Citroen car when they spotted the first offense of the day : illegal trash dumping .