
léi míng diàn shǎn
  • Thunder and lightning flash;Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes
雷鸣电闪[léi míng diàn shǎn]
  1. 雷鸣电闪。

    It 's thundering and lightning .

  2. 由一股强上升气流造成的风暴;伴随雷鸣电闪的大雨或冰雹。

    A storm resulting from strong rising air currents ; heavy rain or hail along with thunder and lightning .

  3. 但是云在天上千变万化,刚才还在雷鸣电闪,突然没有了,变成五彩云霞了。

    But the myriads of changes of cloud in the sky , was thunder and lightning , suddenly gone , become colorful .

  4. 天空雷鸣电闪,一片漆黑,大海掀起滚滚的黑色巨浪,浪头有山那么高,浪尖上翻涌着白沫。

    The sky was as black as pitch . There was thunder and lightning . In the sea there were GREat black waves as high as church towers and mountains , all capped with crowns of white foam . Mandje ! Mandje ! Timpe Te ! Flounder , flounder , in the sea !