
  1. 南非有色人雷霍博斯人和纳马人事务部因此,毫不奇怪,西色雷斯的希腊人对土耳其人起疑心,而土耳其人猜疑希腊人。

    South African Department of Coloured , Rehoboth and Nama Affairs It is not surprising , therefore , to find the Greeks of Western Thrace suspicious of the Turks , and the Turks of the Greeks .

  2. 听说霍威塔特人在那里。

    The howeitat are there , I hear .

  3. 霍福德就是凯尔特人队防守领先全联盟的一个重要的原因。

    Horford is a big reason why the Celtics top the NBA in defensive rating this season .

  4. 霍法、艾米莉。亚艾尔哈特到娜塔莉。霍洛威,有些人似乎消失得无影无踪了。

    From the crew of the Marie Celeste to Jimmy Hoffa , Amelia Earhart , and Natalee Holloway , some people seem to have vanished without a trace .