
  • 网络Non-residential;nonresidential;non-residence
  1. 此外,境外机构只能在注册城市购买办公所需的非住宅房屋。

    Foreign organizations may only purchase non-residential housing in the cities of their registration to be used as offices .

  2. 企业也显示出更多信心,实际非住宅固定投资从10.3%飙升至16.3%。

    Businesses showed more confidence as well , with real non-residential fixed investment surging from 10.3 per cent to 16.3 per cent .

  3. 应用于其它非住宅软化水和过滤而损坏的产品。

    Products damaged by applying to other nonresidential softening and filtering .

  4. 它们长期被指责为躲避结婚追求其非住宅野心。

    THEY have long been accused of shunning marriage to pursue their non-domestic ambitions .

  5. 城镇的商业区或者说非住宅区;社区学院是典型的非住宿学院。

    The commercial or nonresidential areas of a town ; community colleges are typically nonresidential .

  6. 对于非住宅楼,比如办公楼,为了加强制冷效果,这样的情况更可能出现的。

    This circumstance is most likely to arise in relation to non-domestic buildings , such as offices , to enhance cooling effects .

  7. 商务部表示,住宅项目和非住宅项目的上升促进了建设支出,7月份该支出上升了0.6%。

    The Commerce Department says an increased number of housing and non-residential building projects boosted construction spending in July by 0.6 % .

  8. 商业及非住宅租务资料系统上海策贤投资咨询有限公司,是一家专业从事商务楼和高档住宅租赁业务的公司。

    Commercial and Non-domestic Tenancy Management Information System Sunrise is a professional investment and consultant company dealing in office , apartment and villa etc.

  9. 这印证了住宅建筑业正在触底、而非住宅建筑业仍在严重衰退的观点。

    This is consistent with the story that residential construction activity is bottoming out , but that nonresidential has much further to fall .

  10. 娱乐业内部人士表示,禁令主要针对以非住宅项目(比如主题公园)名义拿地,实际开发住宅项目的房地产企业。

    Entertainment industry insiders say the ban is aimed mostly at real estate companies that acquire land ostensibly for non-residential developments such as theme parks when the true purpose is residential .

  11. 此法条将建设用地分为了住宅建设用地和非住宅建设用地,对于其期限届满后的处理分别予以不同的规定。

    This method of construction land shall be divided into land for construction of residential and non-residential construction sites , for its treatment after the expiry of the provisions were to be different .

  12. 而且,对于非住宅建设用地的届期,采用的是有约定按约定,没有约定或者约定不明确的则按照法律规定的办理,这种态度是不负责的且没有太大意义。

    Moreover , land for non-residential construction second phase , there is a convention adopted by convention , not prescribed or clearly handled in accordance with the law , this attitude is not responsible for and does not mean much .

  13. 该机构称,美国将会经历一个“相对短暂的经济增长疲弱时期”,主要原因是信贷紧缩带来的金融压力,而非住宅市场暴跌的直接影响,但随后经济增速会出现回升。

    The IIF said the US would endure a " relatively brief period of weak growth " due largely to financial pressures arising from the credit squeeze rather than the direct effects of the housing slump , before growth picked up .

  14. 被动利用太阳能改善非采暖住宅室内热环境的研究

    Research on Improving Indoor Thermal Environment of Non Heating Residential Building Using Passive Solar Energy

  15. 在空间效应上,相对非沿线住宅项目,沿线住宅价格的平均涨幅为28.58%;住宅项目每靠近地铁站1米,住宅价格平均上涨0.16762元/平方米。

    The effection in space , the relative non-residential projects along the route , along the average housing prices raised 28.58 % ; Residential projects near the subway station every 1 m , residential prices raised an average of 0.16762 Yuan / m ~ 2 .

  16. 在中国销售的几乎所有住房都是公寓,而非单户住宅。

    Almost all new homes sold in China are apartments , not single family homes .

  17. 技术是住宅产业化推广的关键,集成化技术从结构上架构住宅从而保证住宅的安全可靠性,从非结构上完善住宅功能提升住宅品质。

    Technology is the key of housing industrialization promotion . Integration technology can build housings structure frame to ensure the safety and reliability of the residences , improve and promote the quality of buildings by the non-structure .