
miàn bāo zhā
  • crumbs;breadcrumbs
  1. 一只知更鸟在地上啄食面包渣。

    A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground .

  2. 我们不想只给他们面包渣。

    We don 't want to give them the crumbs .

  3. 非常小的块如面包渣或蛋糕渣。

    Small piece of e.g. bread or cake .

  4. 教人惊喜的是,这些美味佳肴,比如用生鲑鱼做馅的黑黄油焖面包渣,或者是羊脂冻配青豌豆浇芹菜汤,彻底抛弃了用猪肉和德国泡菜制成的所有传统菜式。

    Surprising , delectable dishes - like raw char filled with brown butter-braised bread crumbs or celeriac soup poured over lamb fat jelly and green peas - uproot all notions of pork and sauerkraut .