
  • 网络Surface rendering;surface-based rendering
  1. 面绘制主要有移动立方体算法,DividingCubes算法等。

    The Surface rendering include : marching cubes algorithm , Dividing Cubes algorithm .

  2. 血管三维重建:使用基于体绘制交互的分割算法完成对亚毫米CT断层图像中的血管数据分割,采用面绘制方法进行脏器三维重建。

    The vascular submillimeter CT data is segmented based on the interactive volume rendering of segmentation algorithm.3D reconstruction of organs was performed by using the surface rendering method .

  3. 基于面绘制与体绘制的CT可视化实现方法

    Methods for implementation of CT visualization based on surface and volume rendering

  4. 基于OpenGL的等值面绘制软件的开发

    Development of Isoplane Drawing Software Based on OpenGL

  5. 选用面绘制算法,以Visualc++和OpenGL为开发工具,实现了水波数值模拟结果的可视化,获得了良好的视觉效果。

    The visualization of the computational results of water wave is realized by using Visual C + + and OpenGL , and satisfied result is obtained .

  6. 当前对医学图像三维可视化的研究主要集中于面绘制与体绘制这两个方面,另外基于GPU加速的三维可视化也是当前的一个研究热点。

    The current 3-D visualization of medical image methods mostly focus on surface rendering and volume rendering .

  7. 目前锥束CT的三维重构主要采用面绘制,其方法有两类,即体素级重构和切片级重构。

    Surface Rendering is the main method adopted in Cone Beam Computed Tomography for 3D surface reconstruction currently , and it includes two classes of methods : voxel-based reconstruction and slice-based reconstruction .

  8. 虚拟人序列图像的三维重建,处理对象是三套数据集:CT、MRI和彩色断层图像,方法包括体绘制和面绘制。

    Surface reconstruction and volume reconstruction , the two methods are used to rebuild VCH data , which includes three groups of images : CT , MRI and true-color section images .

  9. 在数据获取及建模方面,对CT和MRI断层切片数据,分别利用体绘制和面绘制算法,建立了三维脊柱模型和脑部模型。

    In the aspect of image acquiring and modeling , we use volume rendering and surface rendering algorithms to build 3D spine and brain models separately from CT and MRI images .

  10. MarchingCubes(MC)方法是经典的面绘制方法之一,但是存在拓扑二义性问题。

    Marching Cubes algorithm ( MC ) is one of classical Surface Rendering methods , but has the problem of topology ambiguity .

  11. 在面绘制方面,本文分析了面绘制的经典算法-&MarchingCubes算法的原理,缺点及改进办法。

    In surface rendering , the thesis analyzes the theory , weaknesses and improved ways of Marching Cubes algorithm which is a classic algorithm of surface rendering .

  12. 针对序列图像的三维重建技术,基于VTK进行了实时的面绘制和体绘制。

    For sequence images ' three-dimensional reconstruction technique , this paper realized real-time surface rendering and volume rendering .

  13. 面绘制法包括连接轮廓线法、Cuberille绘制方法、MC算法和剖分立方体法等。

    Contour-line method , Cuberille plotting method , Marching Cubes ( MC ) algorithm and Dividing Cubes algorithm are included in the iso-surface patch .

  14. 利用CT扫描获得羊肺脏连续断层图像数据并导入Mimics软件,通过设定目标图像灰度阈值和区域增长的方法提取肺脏轮廓信息,采用面绘制算法重构羊肺脏几何模型。

    We input the data acquired from the continuous sectional images of CT scanning sheep lung into Mimics software , and then extract the profile informations by the methods of setting gray level threshold and regional growth , reconstruct the geometric model of sheep lung through using surface rendering algorithm .

  15. 系统针对共聚焦显微图像的特点,建立了一系列适合生物医学研究的图像的三维可视化方法包括体绘制、面绘制算法,作为CMIAS系统的重要组成部分。

    According to the characters of confocal image , we implemented various kinds of visualization approaches as the important part of CMIAS , including volume rendering and surface rendering .

  16. 文中介绍一个多分辨率并行等值面绘制系统的设计与实现。

    A visualization system of multi-resolution parallel isosurface rendering was presented .

  17. 面绘制三维重建原理及其改进算法研究

    Method of three-dimensional reconstruction based on surface rendering and its improving research

  18. 并结合我们的实际工作对三维可视化的面绘制与体绘制进行了比较。

    And surface rendering is compared with volume rendering combining our practical study .

  19. 对三维体数据面绘制算法、碰撞检测算法提出了改进。

    Improve some algorithms in the Marching Cube , in collision detection . 1 .

  20. 等值面绘制及其工程应用

    Isopleth Surface Drawing and Its Application to Engineering

  21. 基于面绘制的虚拟内窥镜系统

    Virtual Endoscopy System Based on Surface Rendering

  22. 面绘制和体绘制是医学可视化的两种实现技术。

    Surface rendering and volume rendering are two kinds of displaying techniques in Medical Visualization .

  23. 一种体数据面绘制算法

    Algorithm for Displaying Surfaces from Volume Data

  24. 通过显示调度策略实现基于多层次细节的实时等值面绘制。

    With an explicit schedule strategy , real-time rendering based on Level-Of-Detail model was achieved .

  25. 基于面绘制技术的医学影像立体显示

    3D Visualization of Medical Image Surface Rendering

  26. 三维超声仿真心腔内窥镜系统面绘制与体绘制显示评价

    Visualization evaluation of surface rendering and volume rendering by three-dimensional echocardiographic intracardiac endoscopic simulation system

  27. 实现了面绘制的角膜重建。

    The cornea auto reconstruction was realized .

  28. 多分辨率并行等值面绘制

    Multi - resolution parallel isosurface rendering

  29. 根据绘制技术的不同,虚拟内窥镜技术又可分为基于面绘制的虚拟内窥镜技术,和基于体绘制的虚拟内窥镜技术。

    According to different rendering technique , Virtual Endoscopy can be classified as SF and DVR .

  30. 采用三维面绘制技术显示并测量感兴趣区域。

    A kind of 3D-surface rendering technology was used to visualize the ROI and calculate its volume .