
miàn yǐnɡ
  • shape of the face
面影 [miàn yǐng]
  • [face] 由于回忆做梦等脑中出现的人的面容

  • 他脑子里时常浮现出那次相见时女朋友的面影

  1. 但是,让直子的面影在我脑海中浮现出来,我总是需要一点时间。

    I do need that time , though for Naoko 's face to appear .

  2. 岸绘出你的面影

    The shore landscaping your face

  3. 提出一种基于新的投影方式的三维面影测量技术。

    A three-dimensional ( 3-D ) profile measurement method based on a new projecting technique is proposed .

  4. 这就是美之境界,希腊人在那里见到反映自己的面影——奥林匹斯神灵。

    It was in that sphere of beauty that the Greeks saw the Olympians as their mirror images ;

  5. 在阿提刻新喜剧则只有一种表情的面影:轻率的老人,受骗的王八,猾狡的家奴,千篇一律,反复出现。

    In the New Attic Comedy , however , there are only masks with one expression : frivolous old men , duped panders , and cunning slaves , recurring incessantly .

  6. 荆轲形象毁誉兼有的接受史反映了历史风云与文人情志双重筛选的结果,也成为中华民族心灵演进的一个真实面影。

    Praised or blamed on Jingke at the same time , reflected a dual results in the historical reality and the human sentiment , which also became a real face in evolution of Chinese nation mind .

  7. 本文主要从家的突破与女性角色的新变、时代洪流与女性的面影、苦难的沉思与自我的审视等几个方面对中国现代文学中女性书写的精神路向作一些梳理。

    The paper is a filing of the women writer 's mental feature in contemporary literature in terms of the breakthrough of family , female 's character change , the times ' tendency and women 's image , bitter mediation and self-reflection .

  8. 其实,我们都是他们的忠实的肖象,不过我们必须抛掉一些东西,才能再度认识自己就是原始人的面影:这就视乎我们是不是自愿舍弃多余的学问和多余的文化了。

    We were even supposed to be faithful copies of him ; only we had to cast off a few things in order to recognize ourselves once more as this primitive man , on the strength of a voluntary renunciation of a superficial learnedness , of superabundant culture .

  9. 对于成像系统读出的图像进行了预处理,重点讨论了如何补偿液晶不能完全关门所带来像面拖影。

    We pretreated the readout images , and the methods to compensate the smears on the image plane caused by the LCS was discussed emphatically .

  10. 详细讨论了曲率、挠率、Dean数对二次流动、流函数等值线和轴向速度的分布以及壁面摩擦力的影晌。

    The effect of curvature , torsion and Dean number on secondary flow , the isoline of stream function , the distribution of axial speed and wall friction is discussed in detail .

  11. 对两条直线在某投影面上发生重影的现象进行分析,从空间角度认识其几何位置,由此得出重影线的定义。

    It is in a straight-line projection of the two surface analysis of the phenomenon occurred in the film , from its perspective in geometric space , which leads to the definition of affected lines .