
  1. 从历代选本看韩孟诗派之传播与接受

    The spreading and reception of Han-Meng School of poetry

  2. 韩孟诗派之奇崛生新的美学追求

    Originality out of Unusualness : The Aesthetic Pursuit of the Han Mang School of Poetry

  3. 作为中唐时期的重要文学流派,韩孟诗派的聚合有其必然性。

    As a important literature school in the middle of Tang dynasty , the collection of Hanand Meng poetic school has some inevitability .

  4. 20世纪韩孟诗派艺术成就论辩述要

    A Gist of a Narration About the Artistic Achievement of Han Meng School of Poetry Being Argued in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  5. 韩孟诗派作为中唐诗史上一个极富个性特色的艺术创新流派,其创新特色历来为人们所关注、探讨。

    Han Meng Poets , an artistic original school , which were filled with high individual characteristic , have always been followed with interest by people in its features of innovation .

  6. 第三部分探讨洛阳生活对孟郊诗歌创作的意义,着重从孟郊在韩孟诗派的地位、洛阳诗歌的创作成就和悲愁情结三个方面分析。

    Part three probing into the meaning of his life in Luoyang for poetry creation , especially focusing on his status in the poetry system of Han-Meng , his achievement of poem works in Luoyang and gloom complex .