
dǐng diǎn
  • vertex;apex;top;peak;culmination;summit;climax;zenith;acme;capstone;pinnacle;apogee;tip-top
顶点 [dǐng diǎn]
  • [top;peak;climax;pinnacle;zenith] 高峰点

顶点[dǐng diǎn]
  1. AD处于中锋位置的绝对顶点,尽管他4年的职业生涯上场时间占51%。

    AD is at the absolute apex for the center position , even though he 's played 51 percent of his career minutes at the 4 .

  2. 这是我就任CEO前所处的位置,他一边说,一边画了一个三角形,并在顶点正下方草草画了一条线。

    That 's where I was just before CEO , he says , drawing a triangle and scribbling a line just below the apex .

  3. 荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。

    The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics .

  4. 24小时里不断加重的焦虑在那一刻达到顶点。

    It was the climax to 24 hours of growing anxiety

  5. 他的厄运达到了顶点,终于破产。

    His misfortunes culminated in his bankruptcy .

  6. 英国诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂曾说过:“小路一直蜿蜒曲折地往山上延伸?对,一直延伸到顶点。”

    Christina Rossetti , an English poet , once said : " Does the road wind uphill all the way ? Yes , to the very end . "

  7. 她困恼的最顶点出现在一个覆盖著冰雪的纽西兰山上一时的无力感

    A rosy glow that suffuses snow-covered mountain peaks at a clear day .

  8. 人人都担心,这两国间的边境争端将以一场战争到达顶点。

    Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war .

  9. 本文对顶点度数小于4的End正则循环图进行了刻划。

    End-regular circulant graphs of degrees less than four are characterized in this paper .

  10. 图的最小顶点覆盖问题的面上DNA解法

    A DNA Solution on Surface for Minimal Vertex Covering Problems of Graph

  11. Kn表示n个顶点的完全图。

    We denote by K_n the complete graph on n vertices .

  12. 与李代数(?)2相关的顶点算子代数N(k,0)及其不可约模

    VOA Associated to Affine Lie Algebra (?) _2 and Its Irreducible Modules

  13. 设G是一个具有顶点集V(G)的图;

    Let G be a graph with vertex set V ( G ) .

  14. 与二次B样条曲线类似,曲线的每一段由相继的三个控制顶点生成;

    Analogous to the quadratic B-spline curves , each trigonometric polynomial curve segment is generated by three consecutive control points .

  15. 由控制顶点、节点矢量确定一条B样条曲面,即真实物体的拟合曲面。

    The control apexes and pitch-point vector determined a B-spline curved surface , named the real object ′ s fitting curved surface .

  16. 针对不均匀截面线簇曲面生成时会造成曲面控制顶点数量急剧膨胀的问题,提出了一种基于曲线重采样插值重构的B样条曲面生成方法。

    In the B-spline surface reconstruction with interpolation method , the surface 's control points will rapid increase if the cross-sectional curves are uneven .

  17. Γ(n,q)表示所有具有n个顶点,q条非悬挂边的树构成的集合。

    Let Γ( n , q ) be the set of trees with n vertices and q non-pendant edges .

  18. 证明n个顶点的收缩临界5连通图中至少有n+1条平凡不可收缩边。

    It is proved that any contraction critical 5-connected graph on n vertices has at least n + 1 trivially non-contractible edges .

  19. 在该方法中,针对在计算连续ShapeIndex特征时确定邻域点集的问题,提出了一种顶点近邻迭代查找算法。

    An algorithm of " iterative neighboring vertices retrieve " is proposed to tackle the problem of retrieving neighboring vertices when computing continuous Shape Index .

  20. B-SPLINE曲线顶点的反算

    The reverse operation of finding vertexes of a B-spline curve

  21. 顶点v的色集是v的颜色其与及v关联的所有边的颜色。

    The coloring set of vertex v is the colors ( assigned ) to v and the edges incident to v.

  22. n是Kn的补图,St(m)表示m+1个顶点的星形树,C3∨(?)

    _n is the complement of graph K_n , St ( m ) is ( m + 1 ) - vertex star tree , C_3 ∨(?)

  23. 例如对城市间的通道进行检疫消毒时,图G的顶点表示城市,边表示城市间的通道;

    For example , when we quarantine and disinfect the roads between cities , the vertices of G denote citices and the edges denote roads ;

  24. 图G的k有界染色是图G的一个最多有k个顶点染同一种颜色的顶点染色。

    A k-bounded vertex coloring of a graph G is a usual vertex coloring in which each color is applied to at most k vertices .

  25. 圈C称为图G的支配圈,若对G中任一点v,至少有圈C上的一个顶点与之邻接。

    A cycle C of a graph G is called a dominating cycle if every vertex of G is adjacent to one vertex of C at least .

  26. 对于有理二次Bézier曲线,两条有理二次Bézier曲线间的射影变换由它们对应的控制顶点和权因子所确定。

    Projective transformation between two rational quadratic B é zier curves is determined by pairs of corresponding control vertices and weights .

  27. 图G的全控制数,用γt(G)来表示,是G的全控制集中的顶点数最少的全控制集的顶点数。

    The total domination number of G , denoted by γ t ( G ) , is the minimum cardinality of a total dominating set of G .

  28. 因此,本文介绍了使用GPU编程实现骨骼动画中顶点变换的方法。

    So this article describes the method of GPU programming vertex transformation in skeletal animation .

  29. Harary于1962年证明了图Hm,n是m连通的的定理。此定理告诉我们,Hm,n是具有几个顶点,边数最少的m连通图。

    Harary proved in 1962 a theorem which states that the graph Hm , n is m - connected .

  30. 一个顶点v的赋权度d~w(v)是指与这个顶点关联的所有边的权的和。

    The weighted degree d ~ w ( v ) of a vertex v is the sum of the weights of the edges incident with the vertex .