
  • 网络network diagramming;Project Network Diagram;network diagram
  1. 研究内容如下:首先,本文在模具项目网络图的基础上,提出了单项目生产成本产生的主要原因以及影响的不确定因素。

    The contents of research as follows : Firstly , based on analyzing Project Network Diagram of Mould , the paper propose the maintain causes and uncertain factors of the cost of the single project .

  2. 二是理顺BPR项目中各项活动任务之间的顺序关系,绘制项目网络图;

    Second , to rationalize the activities of BPR projects in the order of the relationship between tasks , and draw project network diagram ;

  3. 基于项目网络图的人民币汇率浮动的路径分析

    RMB Exchange Rate Floating Path Analysis Based on Project Network Planning

  4. 对最困难的作业拆迁给出了二级项目网络图并对拆迁涉及的各个工序进行了分析说明,对最关键的作业房地产开发进行了项目风险控制。

    It provides a second-level network topology of project for building demolition which is most difficult to handle , explains demolition in detail each procedure of building , and evaluates the risk of project of Real Estate Development which is very crucial .

  5. 在这个模型结构的基础上,采用单代号网络图作为模型的逻辑结构表达形式,形成了应用验证类项目关联流程网络图。

    Based on this model structure , the AON network is used to express the logical structure of the model , and then the application verification project correlative process network is constructed .

  6. 比如项目管理中的网络图、电网中的控制图和交通运输中的控制图等都是常见的网络图。

    For example , the network chart of project management , the control chart of power grid and communication and transportation are all common network chart .

  7. 在分析任务扩展原理的基础上,定义了开发项目设计过程中网络图,扩展的下一层网络图,任务的子任务流和扩展网络图的概念。

    Based on the principle of , the network graph , sub-network graph , and subtask flow and extended network graph in design process of development project is defined .

  8. 第四部分采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图,最后通过对研发项目工期的优化,为项目管理者确定了项目的管理目标。

    The fourth uses decomposition of the structure of a work plan and network technologies developed a project plan and draw plans for the Project Network .

  9. 采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图及项目甘特图。

    Thirdly , the research outlines the project plan by means of Work Breakdown Structure and network planning technology and draws Project Network plans and projects Gantt .

  10. 本文还介绍了PDM项目管理中的关键技术,这些关键技术包括任务分解、任务分配、项目网络图优化、任务调度、基于WEB的分布式文件服务器系统。最后本文简单介绍了系统在设计院的应用。

    These technologies include task splitting , task assigning , project network optimizing , task schedule and web based distributed file server . Finally , this article shows the implement of this project management system in engineering design institutes .

  11. 首先在深入了解网络计划技术和CG项目制作流程的基础上,根据CG项目的工作分解结构,利用分级网络技术为项目建立系统的网络图;

    After the research of classifying net plan technic and produce flow and the Work Breakdown Structure of CG project , it constructs systemic net chart ;