
  • 网络Project Financial Management
  1. 例如文字报表处理、统计报表处理、招投标标书的编制、项目财务管理等大量业务数据处理工作。

    For example , the text reports processing , statistical reports processing , the formulation of the tender bid , project financial management and such kinds of data processing .

  2. 随着项目管理理论的不断发展,其内容也不断的得到细化及完善,经过多年来的发展,项目管理细分出许多的分支,如项目财务管理、风险管理、计划进度管理、时间管理等等。

    With the continuous development of the project management theory , its content can be refined and perfected , After years of development , project management subdivided into many branches , such as project financial management , risk management , schedule management , time management , and so on .

  3. 建设项目财务管理信息集成研究与应用

    The Research and Application for Information Integration of Financial Management of Construction Project

  4. 关于构建工程项目财务管理体系的思考

    Considerations on building financial management system for engineering project

  5. 加强高等院校基本建设项目财务管理的探讨

    Discussion of Strengthening the Institutions of Higher Learning Items of Basic Construction Financial Control

  6. 试论施工企业项目财务管理

    Discussion on project financial control of construction enterprise

  7. 试论加强高速公路工程项目财务管理的针对性

    On Strengthening the Financial Management of Highway Projects

  8. 中德合作造林项目财务管理机制的借鉴与创新

    The Innovation and Reference of Finance Management Mechanism on Cooperative Afforestation Project between Germany and China

  9. 从科研项目财务管理看大学内部治理&以斯坦福大学为例

    Inner Governance of University from the Perspective of Financial Management : a Case Study of Stanford University

  10. 项目财务管理在城市勘测企业中的深化

    The Deepens of Projects ' Financial Management in the Surveying , Mapping & GeoTechnical Investigation Enterprise of Urban

  11. 世行贷款水产项目财务管理主要问题之我见如前所述财产是托交上诉人管理的。

    My Opinions Finance Management of Fisheries Project Based on the Loan Provided by World Bank ; Whereas the property is held in trust for the appellant .

  12. 项目财务管理:针对投资项目状态不同,对被投资企业的财务实行不同方式的管理。

    Project Financial Affairs Management : We will adopt different ways to manage the financial affairs of the enterprises invested in , in accordance with different condition of the project invested in .

  13. 污水处理项目建设财务管理初探

    The Preliminary Inquiry into Financial Management of Sewage Disposal Construction Project

  14. 论大型水电建设项目的财务管理

    On Management of Financial Affairs of Large - scale Hydropower Project

  15. 高速公路建设项目的财务管理与成本核算有其特殊的规律与要求。

    Financial management and cost accounting for highway project has its own features .

  16. 代建制模式下高速公路建设项目的财务管理问题研究

    Research on the Issues of the Financial Management of Highway Construction Project under Agent Construction Mode

  17. 第六部分项目的财务管理,一个电视综艺节目制作的项目团队管理者,要使得该项目是可以盈利的,财务管理方面是很重要的部分,第六章对财务管理进行研究。

    A television variety show team manager should make the project get profit . The financial management is very important part .

  18. 第四部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理的设计。这部分研究了供电企业财务流程管理应如何按照科学的程序进行,并设计出一个较为合理的财务流程。

    The fourth part is the design of the financial process of the power supply project , which researches the scientific program of the financial flow , and designs the reasonable financial processes .

  19. 第二部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理的一般理论,主要阐述项目管理的概念及其实质,分析供电企业项目管理的一般流程现状,研究工程项目管理在财务流程设计及应用的理论依据。

    The second part is the general theory of the financial management process for the power supply company , which mainly explains the concepts of project management and its essence and analysis the general process status of the enterprise project management .

  20. 长期以来,如何加强建设投资项目的财务管理和投资控制,确保建设资金合理、有效、安全使用,提高资金使用效益,一直是建设领域内的难点。

    Since long ago , how strengthens the construction investment project the financial control and the investment control , guarantees the construction fund reasonably , is effective , the safety handling , enhances the fund use benefit , always is constructs in the domain the difficulty .

  21. 第三部分为供电工程项目财务流程管理现状及问题研究。主要研究现阶段供电企业进行工程项目建设时在财务流程管理方面存在的问题,及问题出现的原因,并对提出了解决方案。

    Third part is the research on the status quo and problems of the financial flow management , which mainly research the financial flow management problems conducted at the current stage of supply enterprise construction project , and the causes of the problems and proposes a solution .

  22. 试论工程项目管理绿色财务管理探讨

    Discussion about the Project Management Exploration of the Green Management on Financing

  23. 项目管理机构财务管理工作浅探

    How the item management institutions manage well the financial work

  24. 项目教学在财务管理课程教学中的应用

    The Application of Project Study in the Teaching of Financial Management Course

  25. 小型科技项目预算与财务管理探讨

    Inquire into The Budget and Finance Management of the Mini-typ e Science & Technology Project

  26. 现行农业科研事业单位科研课题(项目)经费财务管理中的问题与对策

    Existing financial management of research ( project ) funding in agricultural academy problems and Countermeasures

  27. 工程项目财务的组织管理及成本控制。年度内的财政管理工作

    Organize , administrate the project financial control cost within the overall traget budget . in-year management

  28. 第三步增加了项目管理和财务管理模块,实现物流、资金流和信息流的三流统一。

    The third step is to increase functions of project management and finance management thus to achieves close conjunctions among flows of material , capital and information .

  29. 相关课程包括建筑管理,项目管理,财务管理,融资和行销,公共关系,人力资源,劳资关系,卫生法和其他课题。

    Courses include building management , project management , financial management , fund-raising and marketing , public relations , human resources , labor relations , health law , and other topics .

  30. 开展基建项目全过程财务管理体系研究,对于贯彻落实公司财务集约化管理要求,增强财务工作的创新能力和服务能力,发挥财务成本管控和风险防范职能意义重大。

    Carrying out the research of full-process fiscal management system is of great significance for incorporating the demands of companies ' fiscal intensive management , for strengthening the innovative and service capabilities of fiscal work as well as for performing the function of fiscal cost-control and risk-prevention .