
lǐng zhǔ
  • feudal lord;suzerain;liege
领主 [lǐng zhǔ]
  • [feudal lord;suzerain] 古时受封在一个区域里掌握权力并领有土地的人

领主[lǐng zhǔ]
  1. 所有这些变革都显示了与初期庄园明显不同的特征,表明了体制完备的领主制庄园已经形成,并且成为10世纪以后日本庄园的主要形态。

    All the above changes are very different from the manors in the first stage , which indicates that " the feudal lord manors " has formed , and it has became the main form of the manors in Japan since the 10th century .

  2. 效忠诸侯对封建领主的忠诚。

    The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord .

  3. 这是权力显赫的波城领主的故居。

    It was the home of the powerful lords of Baux .

  4. 他天生擅长交际:他的祖先曾是封建领主。

    Diplomacy was in his blood : his ancestors had been feudal lords

  5. 亨利二世是第一位被承认为爱尔兰领主的国王。

    Henry II was the first king to be recognized as overlord of Ireland .

  6. 那些大领主的罪过是以权势欺压村民。

    The powerful lords were guilty of grinding the villagers under their heels .

  7. 我并非此地的领主,而是这儿的女主人。

    I am not lord of the manor , but its lady .

  8. 他是地狱中最H的领主。

    He is the hest lord in hell .

  9. 这部剧讲述了一位能穿越时空的类人外星人、名为“博士”(Doctor)的时间领主的冒险故事。

    The program depicts the adventures of the Doctor , a Time Lord - a space and time-travelling humanoid alien .

  10. 打了胜仗的桑迪在华盛顿城外的一顶帐篷里,花旗(citi)领主、万能的约翰王(kingjohn)走了进来。

    The triumphant Sandy is in a tent outside Washington . The omnipotent King John , Lord of the Citi , enters .

  11. 更糟糕的是,Kira现在很生气,因为赤穗领主浅野并没有效仿他的贵族同伴。

    If anything , it became even worse as Kira was now angry that the lord from Ako didn 't follow his fellow nobleman 's example .

  12. 部落玩家可以在刀锋山脉地区雷霆领主堡垒的商人DagaRamba处购买。

    Horde players can find the recipe sold by Daga Ramba , in Thunderlord Stronghold-Blade 's Edge Mountains .

  13. 如果分数到达一定水平,HRE内最强的领主会另立为帝,成为反对派的领袖。

    If the score reaches a certain level , the strongest lord of the HRE will become Counter King and the leader of the opposition .

  14. Gallifrey星球上不朽的时间领主利用一个像公用电话亭似的的TARDIS机器穿越时空——没错,这正是典型的英剧。

    An immortal Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey travels through time and space in the phone booth-like TARDIS machine -- yeah , it 's your just typical British import .

  15. 他梦见了他的领主父亲和裹尸布大人。

    He dreamt of his lord father and the Shrouded Lord .

  16. 只需对世界唯一真正的领主负责。

    Answerable only to the one true master of the world .

  17. 他的父母是被封建领主的酷刑折磨而死的。

    His parents died from tortures inflicted by their feudal lords .

  18. 领主数量不能超过你所拥有的城堡和主城的数量。

    You can 't have more lords than you have centers .

  19. 看看他,全艾林谷的领主.

    Look at him , the Lord of all the Vale .

  20. 恐怖领主的终极法术是地狱火而不是以前的黑暗召唤。

    Dread Lord gains Inferno spell , which replaces Dark Summoning .

  21. 阿苟纳是居住在外域的一位深渊领主。

    Aggonar was a Pit Lord who resided in Outland .

  22. 领主在领土上实施最高权利的封建主。

    A feudal lord exercising sovereign power over his lands .

  23. 大领主达里安•莫格来尼:那天,不是今天

    Highlord Darion Mograine says : That day is not today

  24. 住在一个曾被女性系统领主占领的星球上。

    Lives on a planet formerly occupied by a female system lord .

  25. 大领主达里安。莫格莱尼说:你会按我说的去做!

    Highlord Darion Mograine says : You will do as I command !

  26. 有些恶魔领主喜欢和有英雄带领的部队作战。

    Some Demon Lords love fighting with armies headed by other heroes .

  27. 封建领主以重税压榨农民。

    The feudal lord squeezed the peasants with heavy taxes .

  28. 我们是你们领主的代表,这是战争。

    We 're the deputies of your master . it 's war .

  29. 被动式领主属宾句

    The Sentence with its Object Belonging to the Subject in Passive Meaning

  30. 最高领主权势或权威高于其他领主。

    A lord having power or supremacy over other lords .